MBA programs come in various formats. In addition to the full-time MBA, there’s also the part-time MBA, executive MBA, dual MBA, distance learning MBA, and so on. MBA applicants often get confused about these myriad options.

Executive MBA is a fresh variant of the MBA programs which are relatively new concepts in India; in addition to the traditional MBA programs already widely prevalent. They are the outcome of the constantly increasing demands of the industry. As the demands change, these courses aim to bridge the gap.
The primary aim of an EMBA is to equip aspirants from different industries with management skills in their choice of specialization, like finance, marketing, entrepreneurship etc. Both the programs cater to and are ideal for working professionals, with the primary difference being in the experience of the working individuals. As the seniority of the individuals changes, so do the demands of the profession, and the courses do too. Some colleges in India do not differentiate in the courses and use both the terms loosely.
Both the programs expect the candidate to have spent a few years in a professional environment to be able to relate to various concepts being taught in B-school.
Candidates applying to the executive MBA programs need to have significantly more experience, depending on the school applied for. On average, ten years of experience makes a candidate eligible for an MBA for an executive program. On the other hand, an EMBA program requires a minimum of 3 years of work experience. Each executive MBA program is suitably designed so that professionals can pursue it simultaneously while continuing with their current job. These sessions are usually held on Fridays and over weekends. The courses offered are part-time and their duration depends on the course structure, college etc.
Acceptance criteria for an executive MBA tend to be less stringent in comparison to a full-time MBA. GMAT scores for an EMBA are lower and the selectivity is more favourable to applicants. The intake capacity is also very limited. Both these courses are heavier on the pocket. The more work experience you have, the more interactive your learning will be.
Lots of groundwork has to be put in prior to taking the course, and it is dependent on the direction you want your career to progress. On the other hand, your schedule becomes very tiring in trying to balance both work and classroom life. You will be able to maintain a steady job, and the income which comes with it is a big help. The work environment creates scope for new opportunities for growth with an added skill helping in career growth without a work break.