Insurance companies calculate various risk factors when determining bike insurance premiums for motorbikers; as the risk factors increase, so does the premium. Certain factors, such as the rider’s age and past accident history, play an important role in these calculations. Yet these premiums should also increase with the frequency with which a person rides. After all, a person’s chance of being involved in a mishap increases in proportion to the number of times that person rides.

In the argument being made, the part that is in boldface plays which of the following roles? 

  1. a premise of the argument
  2. the conclusion of the argument
  3. evidence offered in support of one of the premises
  4. an assertion phrased to preclude an anticipated objection
  5. a clarification of a key term in the argument


Summary of the argument: The main conclusion of the argument is that insurance premiums must be based on how much someone rides as well as other factors. This is supported by the premise that as riding goes up the probability of accidents goes up. The boldface statement is the main conclusion.

  1. The boldface is not a premise. 
  2. This is accurate. 
  3. This boldface is not evidence. 
  4. There is no anticipated objection. 
  5. There is no clarification. 

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