The GRE Verbal Reasoning is an important section of the GRE exam. The section aims at evaluating your familiarity with English grammar, your ability to extract relevant information from the data provided, your vocabulary, etc. There are three types of questions asked in the GRE verbal section and the score range is within 130-170. Let us take a look at the types of questions in much more detail below. 

Types of Questions in the GRE Verbal Section:  

      Question Types       Number of Questions       Duration         Score
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Text Completion
  • Sentence Equivalence
      20 x 2 sections = 40       30 mins x 2 = 1 hr     130 – 170 with intervals of 1 (scaled)

Reading Comprehension  

The GRE reading comprehension questions comprises a paragraph or two or even more. You will need to analyze the text given and answer the questions that follow. The topics  given are diverse and general in nature. The reading comprehension question tests your ability to gather relevant information from large passages and answer questions. The various types of questions that you will encounter under reading comprehension are  — multiple choice questions (select one answer, select multiple answers), select in passage.

Text Completion 

 In this question type, you will be given a passage that is about 4 to 5 sentences long. The passage will have three or five words missing at crucial places in the passage. You will need to select the appropriate words or phrases to fill the missing words from the options given to you.

Sentence Equivalence 

Similar to text completion, the sentence equivalence questions will have questions with a single sentence and just one blank. You will be required to choose 2 options that will complete and make a coherent sentence. Both the options should mean the same thing when used in the sentence. There will be no credit given for partially correct answers.

We hope you have gained a brief understanding of the GRE Verbal section and the types of questions which will be asked in this section. You can practice your GRE verbal knowledge with the questions that follow.


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