During the 1960s and 1970s, the annual number of people who visited the Bohemian Jungles increased continually, and thus many new jungle resorts were built. Over the same period, however, the number of visitors to these jungle resorts who were caught in wild animal encounters decreased, even though the number of dangerous wild animals in the Bohemian Jungles increased. 

Which of the following, if true in the Bohemian Jungle between the 1960s and the 1970s, most helps to explain the decrease?

  1. Wild Animals are likely to prowl when they smell food in human inhabitations. 
  2. Wild Animals killed at least some visitors to Bohemian Jungles every year. 
  3. People who were planning their visit to the Bohemian Jungle Resorts started using more accurate information about the path that the wild animals took, thereby avoiding them. 
  4. The average length of stay of people in the Bohemian Jungle increased. 
  5. Construction of Jungle Resorts often lead to increased empty areas where the wild animals could roam freely. 


Explanation : The discrepancy over here is the reduction of the number of people who encountered a wild animal despite the number of tourists to the Bohemian Jungles increasing and despite the number of wild animals also increasing. We will now need to find an answer choice that bridges both these options. 

A – This doesn’t tell us why the number of encounters is less. Hence, eliminated. 

B – This doesn’t tell us why the number of encounters is less. It only tells us that some visitors die but doesn’t give us a picture of the exact number. 

C – According to this option, people avoided the routes in which the number of animals were more. Hence, the number of encounters decreased. Hence, this is the right answer. 

D – If the average stay increased, then the probability of the encounter must also increase. Hence, eliminated. 

E – This option is not related to the number of encounters between Humans and wild animals. Hence, eliminated. 


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