A master’s degree from a reputed college overseas holds a great value. More so, if it is done from a top notch institute. Master’s in a technical field is rated very highly by the recruiters. But, the students who have done bachelors in mechanical engineering, are often confused which course would be most suited to their needs. There are various factors like cost, school’s reputation, research related aspects, job prospects etc. that must be considered before make you make up your mind. Most of the master’s degree programs require students to give the GRE exam in order to apply for these courses. These are the different master’s degree programs in mechanical engineering for you to choose from:-

  • M.S. in mechanical engineering

It is a very popular course among young graduates. In order to apply for this course, a student must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or an equivalent of bachelor’s degree in engineering.

  • M.ENG. in mechanical engineering

This course can be both full-time or part-time. In this course, other branches of engineering are combined with mechanical engineering so as to create professional leaders. These professional leaders also have the knowledge of technical, social, environmental and economic issues, which are related to mechanical engineering.

  • M.S. /Ph.D. in mechanical engineering

A Ph.D. can be done alone or in combination with M.S. as well. Knowledge regarding different subjects like social science, chemistry, physics, maths is imparted to students enrolled in this program. This allows the students to apply the knowledge related to different aspects of life, to create better engineering solutions.

Students must have a bachelor’s degree in one of the accredited engineering curricula or satisfy the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in engineering as determined by the department concerned for admission to this program.

  • Five-year B.S./M.S. in mechanical engineering

This course is for undergraduates, which allows students to broaden their education experience. It is a full-time program. it is a course based program unlike the regular M.S. program. Students enrolled in this course are also able to take courses in other professional disciplines like business or public administration. This program is best suited for those students who want to join the industry after completing their master’s degree. Students who wish to have an academic career should look for some different option, as this course doesn’t offer a Ph.D.

Top Universities for Mechanical Engineering


Average GRE score



Stanford University


Harvard University


University of California Berkeley


California Institute of Technology


UC Urbana-Champaign




Purdue University West Lafayette


Georgia Institute of Technology


Princeton University


Cornell University


University of Texas Austin


Texas A&M University


University of Minnesota – Twin Cities


UC San Diego


The Ohio State University


John Hopkins University


Duke University


Columbia University


Brown University


Carnegie Mellon University


Northwestern University


Pennsylvania State University


Here are some top countries, which are highly reputed for the courses they provide in the field of Mechanical Engineering:

United States –

Thousands of students from all over the world travel to the US year, for the purpose of getting higher education. Colleges in US are popular for the quality of education they impart. The job prospects after the completion of degree are also really good. Any student interested in doing research gets access to high quality research equipment and also gets to learn from highly qualified researchers. Some of the top US universities offering MS are:-

  • California State University
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Stanford University

United Kingdom –

Master’s courses in the UK are very popular because of their short and intense nature. Many of the top 100 universities for MS are located in the UK. The students studying in the UK, get to complete their masters within a year. The quality of the course is just as good as the regular 2 year courses. This allows the students to save some money as they have to spend less on tuition fee and cost of living. Some of the top UK universities offering MS are:

  • University of Cambridge (UK)
  • University of Oxford (UK)
  • Imperial College London (UK)

Germany –

the students have to prove their excellence in the form of academic qualification, research papers etc. Students are allowed to stay back in Germany for 18 months to search for a job. Some of the top German universities offering MS are:

  • Technical University of Berlin
  • Technical University of Munich
  • University of Bayreuth

Australia –

MS from Aussie universities are highly recognized by recruiters all over the world. Australian degrees can be divided into Professional Development Masters, Professional Masters and Traditional Academic Masters. Professional Development Masters degrees provide opportunity to a student to specialize in an area of his choice. The admissions are also provided on the basis of tests like IELTS, TOEFL etc. If any student wishes to settle in Australia then he will get Australian PR quicker than he would in any other nation. A few of the popular Australian colleges offering MS are:

  • University of Melbourne
  • University of New South Wales
  • The Australian National University
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Queensland
  • University of Western Australia

Canada –

There is large community of Indian students who are pursuing masters from Canada. The Canadian colleges are full of students from diverse backgrounds. There are many reputed universities offering MS courses. The cost of living in Canada is also quite low as compared to other top MS destinations. There are various scholarships that are provided to students from foreign countries based on merit. Some of the top Canadian universities offering MS are:

  • University of Toronto
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Calgary

BYJU’S will be glad to help you in your GRE preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GRE from us by just giving a missed call at +918884544444, or you can drop an SMS. You can write to us at gre@byjus.com.

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