Applying for an MS degree in the US? Searching for the universities that accept GRE scores? Worry not! Through the course of this article, we’ll give you the list of top GRE accepting universities in the USA, making it easier for you to select from. 

Over the years, the USA has become one of the top destinations for higher education among international students. The country is home to some of the world’s best universities that offer various courses to choose from based on your academic preferences. Now if you’re wondering what makes higher education in the US so popular, here are some reasons that’ll prove why. 

  • Academic standards – The US has some of the world’s top universities like MIT, Stanford, Columbia, Georgia Tech, etc, that offer graduate and postgraduate courses in several fields of study. The flexibility and the quality of education these universities offer is unmatchable. Besides, most of the top MS programs in the US are taught by highly experienced faculty, who also are some of the finest researchers across the globe. 
  • Global career opportunities – A degree from a top US university bestows a competitive edge to your profile once you get into the job market. The majority of the US universities have a close association with global companies. If possible, you can attend the workshops or interactive sections offered by them and seek internship opportunities. International education and internship experience are highly valued by employers globally, as this makes you adaptable to new professional environments. 
  • Research opportunities – In addition to the classroom learning, most GRE accepting universities in the USA for MS provide research and training opportunities for their students. You can either assist a faculty or initiate your own research projects under their guidance. This helps you broaden your knowledge and enhance your skills that could be beneficial for your future. 
  • Technological resources – The USA as a country is known for its technological advancements, which can be seen in almost all spectrums, including the education sector. The US universities are well equipped with the latest technological developments in all fields and provide these resources to the students as well. These learning resources make you work-ready, as you will be well acquainted with the usage of such technologies. 
  • Cultural diversity – As an international student, studying in a US university gives you the opportunity to learn about other cultures around the world and build new social circles. This will not only help you develop your personality but also makes you confident. Besides, having a wider network of connections might help you later to enhance your career trajectory. 

Business Schools Accepting GRE Scores for MS in the US

Choosing a university for your higher studies is not a cakewalk. While choosing the best university for MS in the US, you should consider several factors such as the college ranking, faculty profile, course curriculum, etc. Most importantly, if you are planning to attempt the GRE exam, you have to ensure that the universities of your choice accept the GRE scores. There are a lot of GRE and IELTS accepting universities in the USA. However, we suggest you contact the universities of your choice and inquire about the accepted entrance test scores before you move to the application process. 

To begin with, here are the top 10 universities that accept the GRE scores for the MS.

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  2. Harvard University
  3. Stanford University
  4. Yale University
  5. University of Chicago
  6. UC Berkeley
  7. Princeton University
  8. Duke University
  9. Cornell University
  10. University of Pennsylvania

Top 10 MBA Schools Accepting GRE Scores in the US

The acceptance of the GRE scores for the MBA programs has been increasing over the last few years.  However, If you are planning to apply for an MBA program by submitting your GRE score, it is essential that you know about the universities that accept the GRE scores for MBA. 

To begin with, below is a list of universities in the USA accepting GRE for MBA along with the average Verbal and Quant cutoffs. 

UniversityAverage GRE Verbal CutoffAverage GRE Quantitative Cutoff
Harvard Business School163163
Wharton School161161
Stanford Graduate School of Business165165
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 162162
University of Chicago161163
Yale School of Management164165
Dartmouth Tuck162161
Cornell University160160
Duke Fuqua160159
University of California Berkeley 162161

To sum it up, the US is one of the best choices if you are planning to pursue an MS abroad. Most US universities consider the GRE scores as a criterion for admissions. However, if you are planning to submit your GRE score for an MBA program, refer to the above table before moving to the next step of the application process.

Good luck!


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