If you have decided to attempt the GMAT then you will need to be well versed with the GMAT exam. The GMAT consists of 4 sections — Quantitative Reasoning , Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning. However, in this article, we are going to focus on Verbal Reasoning and help you with a GMAT verbal study plan. 

A good verbal study plan must include all sections of the GMAT verbal category. We have listed the sections below along with a brief explanation about the question types in each section : 

Category Types of Questions
Reading ComprehensionYou will be provided with a passage and then you have to answer questions based on the given passage.
Sentence CorrectionYou will be given sentences with errors underlined. You will have to correct the error and replace it with the right answer option.
Critical ReasoningIn this question type you get a short text that is followed by a question and five answer choices. You have to choose which option strengthens/weakens the argument, supports/damages the argument or states why the argument is flawed. 

Now that you are familiar with the types of questions, let’s get started with a GMAT Verbal study plan. We have listed down a few important steps that you can follow while planning.

Step 1: Assess how much time you require to complete the entire verbal syllabus

Step 2: Create the sequence in which you wish to study

Step 3: Use study material from credible sources like the GMAT Official Guides 

Step 4: Include taking mock exams and solving sample questions periodically as a part of your plan. These will help you ascertain your level of preparation. You can accordingly take steps to alter your efforts.

The above steps are sure to help you score well in the verbal section. In addition to these step, following are some useful strategies that you can apply to solve each section of the verbal category: 

Critical Reasoning – Following are a few strategies to adopt when you come across these types of questions:

  • Strengthen/weaken the argument – You will have to remember what the answer requires you to do. If the question is strengthen the argument, then the answer you select will have to reinforce the argument, likewise if it is to weaken the argument, then the answer would question the assumption of the argument.
  • Draw an inference question – You must always remember to stick to the facts given in the question. Most likely you will get to the correct answer in an inference question from all the facts mentioned in the argument. 
  • Complete the argument – Be wary of any new information given in an answer choice. Unless the information is in some way connected to the assumption of an argument.

Sentence Correction – Below are a few tips to follow when answering these types of questions : 

  • Ensure to read the complete sentence carefully. 
  • Learn to recognise the most common types of errors which you are likely to come across in this section. Examples – parallel construction, misplaced modifiers, subject verb agreement, etc
  • Most often the shortest answer option is likely to be the correct answer.
  • Substitute your answer choices in the question and see how well it fits in the sentence.

Reading Comprehension – This is the most common type of question which you will come across in the GMAT verbal section. 

  • Focus more on comprehending rather memorising – You shouldn’t spend too much time on trying to memorise each section of the passage. You must read the passage to understand what is the main idea behind the passage. This is the main question usually asked in this section.
  • Read all the answer choices carefully before you proceed to select the answer.

These are some of the effective ways of solving questions in the GMAT Verbal section. We hope this article has given you an understanding of how to form your GMAT verbal study plan and achieve a perfect score in this section!

Good Luck!

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GMAT Verbal Study Plan : Verbal Quiz

Test your knowledge with a few GMAT sentence correction basic questions

A) Rising LED panel costs accounted for more than 10% hike in television prices in 2020, a greater proportion than it was in any previous year. 






B) The Klingon language, spoken by a race of people called Klingons, constitutes a minority of the population in several large countries. The UN has recommended that autonomy be granted to the regions where Klingon-speakers live and that these regions be considered an independent nation in which Klingon-speakers would form a majority. But Klingon-speakers live in several, widely scattered areas that cannot be united within a single continuous boundary while also allowing Klingon-speakers to be the majority population. Hence, the recommendation is impracticable. 

The argument relies on which one of the following assumptions?

C) The run-up in common stock prices in the late 1990s, fueled by the internet and a technology boom, had been one of the great bull markets in history.

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