The demand for imported goods like petroleum and gold remain strong despite regular increase in import duties. 

A – goods like petroleum and gold remain 

B – goods like those of petroleum and gold are remaining 

C – goods such as petroleum and gold remains 

D – goods, such as petroleum and gold, remain 

E – goods, like the goods of petroleum and gold, remains

Right Answer: C

Error Identification: 

Underlined comparison word “like”Comparison
Underlined verb “remain”Subject Verb Agreement

Difficulty Level: Medium


In the sentence, ‘petroleum’ and ‘gold’ are examples of imported goods. The word ‘like’ is incorrectly used to give examples. ‘Such as’ would be the correct alternative here. Also, the singular noun ‘demand’ is accompanied by a plural verb ‘remain’, while it would need the singular verb ‘remain’ to be grammatically correct.

A – ‘Like’ is used incorrectly to give examples. Singular subject ‘demand’ needs singular verb ‘remains’ and not plural ‘remain’. Hence, eliminated.

B – ‘Like’ is used incorrectly to give examples. Singular subject ‘demand’ needs singular simple present verb ‘remains’ and not plural present continuous ‘are remaining’. Hence, eliminated.

C – Correctly uses ‘such as’ to give examples. Subject and verb are in agreement. This is the correct answer.

D – Singular subject ‘demand’ needs singular verb ‘remains’ and not plural ‘remain’. Hence, eliminated. This is the correct answer.

E – ‘Like’ is used incorrectly to give examples.  Hence, eliminated. 


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