To solve the geometry questions in the GMAT exam, it’s essential you are thorough with the GMAT Math Geometry formulas as it makes solving questions faster and easier. Here is an article that covers all the essential geometry formulas you need to ace Geometry questions in the GMAT quant section.

So let’s take a look at this GMAT Math Geometry formulas list.

Geometry Questions

Geometry Solutions

Perimeter Formulas

ShapeFormulaWhere, P = Perimeter and
SquareP = 4ss = sides
RectangleP = 2l + 2wl = length


w = width

ParallelogramP = 2l + 2wl = length


w = width

Trapezoid or TrapeziumP = s {1} + s {2} + b {1} + b {2}s {1} and s {2} are two sides and b {1} and b {2} are the two bases of the figure.
TriangleP = s {1} + s {2} + bs {1} and s {2} are two sides and
b = base
RhombusP = 4ll = length

Area Formulas

ShapeFormulaWhere A = Area and
TriangleA = {1} / {2} times b times hb = base
h = vertical height
SquareA = a ^ {2}a = length of side
RectangleA = w times hw = width
h = height
ParallelogramA = b times hb = base
h = vertical height
Trapezoid or TrapeziumA = {1} / {2} (a + b) times ha, b = length if two sides of the figure
h = vertical height
CircleA = pi.r^{2}r = radius
EllipseA = pi.aba, b = longest and shortest radius of the figure
Sector of a CircleA = {1} / {2} r ^ {2} thetar = radius
theta = angle in radians
Regular n-polygon 


A = {1}/{4} times n times a^{2} times cot {pi}/{n}


n = number of sides
a = length of the sides

Surface Area Formulas

ShapeFormulaWhere S = Surface Area and
Rectangular SolidS = 2lh + 2wh + 2wll  = length
h = height w = width
CubeS = 6s^{2}s = sides of the cube
Right Circular CylinderS = 2.pi times rh + 2.pi times r^{2}h = vertical height of the cylinder
r = radius of the base
SphereS = 4.pi times r^{2}r  = radius
Right Circular ConeS = pi times r^{2} + pi.r times whole root of (r^{2} + h^{2})h = vertical height
r  = radius of the base
TorusS = pi^{2} times (R^{2} – r^{2})R = radius of the larger base
r = radius of the smaller base

Volume Formulas

ShapeFormulaWhere V = Volume and
Rectangular SolidV = lwhl  = length
h = height w = width
CubeV = s^{3}s = sides of the cube
Right Circular CylinderV = pi times r^{2}hh = vertical height of the cylinder
r  = radius of the base
SphereV = {4}/{3} times pi.r^{3}r  = radius
Right Circular ConeV = {1}/{3} pi.r^{2}hh = vertical height
r = radius of the base
Square or Rectangular PyramidV = {1}/{3} lwhl  = length of the base
h = vertical height w = width of the base (In case of square, both l and w will be equal)


Circumference of a Circle

Circumference (C) = pi.d = 2 times pi.r

Where, d = Diameter and r = Radius

Area of a Circle

Area (A) = pi.r^{2}

Where, r = Radius

Pythagoras Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem states that the area of the square built upon the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares upon the remaining sides.

This implies that in the above Triangle, a and b are the lengths of the two legs of the triangle and c is the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle.

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

For any math or quantitative aptitude problem, formulas are those fundamentals that help you to think and solve them with ease. Hence, memorizing these GMAT math geometry formulas thoroughly helps solve easy or even difficult problems faster. 

Now that you know these GMAT math Geometry formulas, you’re better positioned to apply these formulas to the various Geometry questions that appear in your practice or mock tests and of course the actual exam. 


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