A lot of people are also switching to freelancing these days. This could be for more relaxed and flexible job options, additional income and more. Freelancing brings freedom and flexibility along with a lot of responsibility and self-discipline, a combination a lot of young professionals aspire for. If becoming a freelancer in 2021 has been on your mind, then here is a guide to assist you to kickstart your freelancing journey. 

  1. Think about why you want to freelance

Like any other job, you must begin questioning ‘why’ you want to freelance? Why do you want to start freelancing? Identifying your motivations to have a freelancing career is the key to enjoying and succeeding in a freelancing career. This would require a lot of soul searching and deep-diving into your aspirations, value system and potentially will aid you to get clarity about the ‘why’?

  1. List down the pros and cons of freelancing 

Use a pen and paper to list down the qualities one requires to be a successful freelancer. Divide them into two categories namely the pros and cons. See if the pros outweigh the cons for you. This exercise will help you mentally prepare for what you are about to sign up for. Try speaking to an actual freelancer to get a sense of their lifestyle and their work experiences. You must have a realistic understanding of how it would be to be a Freelancer. 

  1. Identify your key skill

Now that you have made up your mind about freelancing as a career option. Again start by reflecting on the skills that you have.  Ask yourself if your skill as a service can be useful to someone or not? Would somebody be willing to pay for your service? Identify the market size for the service you want to offer.  It will also be prudent to have valid certifications which further validate your skills and proficiency to the client or employer.

  1. Figure out the price of your service

You will have to begin by finding the market price of the service you are offering. Find the best price you can offer for the work that you will provide. You must be clear about the timeline and the exact service you will offer for the price you ask. You could also join a freelancer’s group on social networking sites to speak to your peers on what the current market trends are and accordingly price your services.

  1. Market and Network

Start writing emails, cold calling, and messaging people who could be your potential clients. Allow the world to know that you offer this service. Use tools like canva to design your poster and market yourself on every social media channel possible. Connect with people who offer similar services and establish a connection with them.  There are high chances that your connections might get clients but they don’t have the bandwidth to provide the services and in turn, might offer you the job instead. Marketing is immensely important in the freelancing field since only then would you meet your probable clients.

  1. Build your portfolio

It is crucial to exhibit your service and show what you do and how you do it. You can use no-code website creation tools to build your portfolio website. It can act as a gateway through which you get clients. This strategy will in turn increase your visibility to potential employers and also act as a marketing tool.

Freelancing is not as hard as it used to be. People are now more open to hiring freelancers. The aforementioned steps will help boost your entry into the world of freelancing. Best wishes on your new journey!


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