As a fresh graduate, choosing freelance over a traditional job can be a personal call or a situational one, but one needs to evaluate all the prospects before getting into freelance. As a fresher, you might want to ask yourself some questions that might be crucial to understand if you best fit freelance or not.

- Are you okay being a freelancer?
While most of your friends will go on to land jobs at big companies, well-recognised brands, so on and so forth, would you be okay sailing on your own as a freelancer with no brand to flaunt about. If social pressure and how people view you or how you want to be viewed affects you then, you must reconsider getting into freelance jobs. You need to reflect and compare yourself in a traditional job versus having a freelancing career. Since there are significant differences between being a freelancer and working for an organisation full time.
- Are you good at selling your service?
You might be highly skilled at what you do but will you be able to market and sell your service? You have to be exceptionally good at endorsing your skills to the client and make them believe that you can deliver what you promise. You should be able to promote your skills and talents in a way that the employer is convinced that you are the right person for the job.
- Are you self-disciplined?
As a freelancer, you might not have a boss or a senior to constantly monitor your performance. You should be self-disciplined to submit your work on time. You have to discipline your lifestyle such that you don’t slack on work just because you lack discipline. You should ensure that you can meet deadlines regularly or else you are likely to lose work in the future because of your tardiness.
- Do you have financial backup or would your parents provide financial support?
Freelancing might put you on edge financially at some point in time. Your clients might delay payments or the market may have taken a plunge etc. In situations like these, your parents or your savings might act as your saviour. You should always have some form of financial backup to help pay your monthly dues and necessities.
- Are you okay with self-isolation?
Many individuals prefer to work in teams and with a lot of interaction with team members or other employees. If this is what you prefer as well then you should reconsider your choice of opting for a freelance job. On the other hand, Freelancing might mean that you have to work at odd hours under stringent timelines. You would also have to work in isolation without any social interaction. If working for long hours without any human interaction works best for you then, freelancing might be the apt job for you.
It is necessary to think and reflect deeply on why you want to start your freelancing job so that later you don’t have any questions about your choice. We hope this article helped clear some of the basic questions you might have about your freelancing job.