Theoretically, Japan is a major exporter of bamboo products in the world. But in reality, it is not. According to the recent survey around 75% of the manufacturing units are handled by the government. This hurts Japan’s bamboo products, because the government does not have the flexibility necessary for efficient bamboo product production that the private industry possesses.

The answer to which of the following questions would be most relevant to evaluating the adequacy of the explanation given above?

  1. Who owns the 25 percent of manufacturing units that are not owned by the government?
  2. What percentage of Japan’s production of bamboo is consumed domestically?
  3. Has the government stated any plans to sell any of its manufacturing units to private industry, provided that the price is sufficient?
  4. Is Laos, Japan’s neighbour to the north, actually better suited for bamboo products production than Japan, which is a substantially smaller country?
  5. How does Japan’s bamboo product production on government-owned manufacturing units compare to that on manufacturing units owned by private industry?


Summary of the argument: The argument states that government owned manufacturing units are not efficient in bamboo production. Even though Japan is the largest exporter of bamboo products since the majority of the manufacturing units are owned by the government, the perception is wrong. 

  1. Even if we know who owns the rest 25% of the manufacturing units we can’t evaluate the argument. Hence eliminated.
  2. The argument is about the efficiency of the private and government owned bamboo industries. Consumption of the products is irrelevant for the argument. Hence eliminated.
  3. This would concern the future, perhaps the near future, but this argument is centred in the past & present. Hence eliminated.
  4. This is a suggestion but does not help to evaluate the argument. Hence eliminated.
  5. The argument absolutely depends on this point and this will help to evaluate the argument. Hence, this is the right answer.

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