During the 1948 industrial revolution , 30 percent of workers in India suffered from high blood pressure, 10 percent more than in 1930. This change can partially be attributed to a growing number of workers working in jobs associated with high stress levels.

Which of the following can be properly inferred from the passage above?

  1. In 1950, more than 50 percent of workers in India suffered from high blood pressure.
  2. The number of workers in the overall population increased from 1930 to 1950.
  3. On the average, workers worked more hours in 1948 than they did in 1930.
  4. Before 1970, people who did not work outnumbered people who worked.
  5. There may be a correlation between jobs associated with high stress levels and high blood pressure.


Summary of the argument: The argument states that there has been a increase in the number of people suffering from high blood pressure and the argument concludes that this increase is due to the increase in the number of people working in high stress level jobs. 

  1. The argument does not provide any information about the high blood pressure of the workers in 1950. Hence eliminated.
  2. The number of workers in the overall population is out of scope for the argument. Hence eliminated.
  3. The number of hours worked by the workers is irrelevant for the argument. Hence eliminated.
  4. There is no information about the people who worked and who did not. Hence eliminated.
  5. This statement supports the argument and provides reason for the increase in the blood pressure of the workers. Hence, this is the right answer.

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