Cargo security believes that international distributors will be equally likely to follow the proposed package limit as the current one.

A – equally likely to follow the proposed package limit as

B – equally likely to follow the proposed package limit as they are

C – equally likely that they will follow the proposed package limit as

D – as likely that they will follow the proposed package limit as

E – as likely to follow the proposed package limit as they are

Right Answer: E

Error Identification: 

Underlined incorrect comparison words “equally likely… as” instead of “as likely… as”Comparison
Incorrect comparison between “distributors” and the current “package limit”Comparison

Difficulty Level: Easy


In the sentence, ‘distributors’ are incorrectly compared to ‘package limit’, which is logically not similar to the former. To correct this comparison error, distributors should be compared to distributors. ‘As likely… as’ would be the correct comparison words, and not ‘equally likely… as’.

A – Incorrectly compares ‘distributors’ to ‘package limit’. ‘As likely’ is preferred over ‘equally likely’. Hence, eliminated.

B – Although comparison between ‘distributors’ and ‘they’ is balanced, ‘as likely’ is preferred over ‘equally likely’. Hence, eliminated.

C – Incorrectly compares ‘distributors’ to ‘package limit’. ‘As likely’ is preferred over ‘equally likely’. Use of future ‘will follow’ is not preferred. Hence, eliminated.

D – Incorrectly compares ‘distributors’ to ‘package limit’. Use of future ‘will follow’ is not preferred. Hence, eliminated.

E – Correctly compares ‘distributors’ to ‘they’, referring to distributors. ‘As likely… as’ is used correctly for comparison. This is the correct answer.


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