After analyzing the levels of decompression and the types of mineral impurities present in blood samples taken from the bodies of the returned deep divers, the team of scientists was able to design new and improved diving suits for the next mission. 

A – the types of mineral impurities present in blood samples taken from the bodies of the returned deep divers, the team of scientists was able

B – the types of mineral impurities that are present in blood samples taken from the bodies of the returned deep divers, it was possible for the team of scientists

C – the types of mineral impurities that had been present in blood samples taken from the bodies of the returned deep divers, that made it possible for the team of scientists

D – what types of mineral impurities had been present in blood samples taken from the bodies of the returned deep divers, it was possible for the team of scientists

E – what the types of mineral impurities were that were present in blood samples taken from the bodies of the returned deep divers, the team of scientists was able

Right Answer: A

Error Identification: 

Participial modifier “After analysing… deep divers” correctly modifies “the team of scientists”Modifier


In the sentence, the prepositional modifier ‘After analysing… deep divers’ is correctly constructed and placed, just before the object that it modifies, ‘the team of scientists’. The sentence is free from any errors.

A – Participial modifier ‘After analysing… deep divers’ is correctly constructed and placed, modifying ‘the team of scientists’. This is the correct answer.

B – Participial modifier ‘After analysing… deep divers’ incorrectly modifies ‘it’. Use of present ‘are’, does not go with the rest of the sentence that mentions all events in past tense. Hence, eliminated.

C – Participial modifier ‘After analysing… deep divers’ incorrectly modifies ‘that’. Use of past perfect ‘had been’ is not preferred. Hence, eliminated.

D – Participial modifier ‘After analysing… deep divers’ incorrectly modifies ‘it’. Use of past perfect ‘had been’ is not preferred.  ‘The levels’ and ‘what types’ are not parallel. Hence, eliminated.

E – ‘What the types’ is neither grammatically correct nor parallel with ‘the levels’. Hence, eliminated.


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