A decade after implementing the country’s most ambitious and extensive skill development program, per capita income in South Vietnam rose from about 9.6 thousand dollars annually per person to over 12.6 thousand dollars, a jump more than twice as great as in the continent as a whole.

A – per capita income in South Vietnam rose from about 9.6 thousand dollars annually per person to over 12.6, a jump more than twice as great as

B – annual per capita income in South Vietnam rose from about 9.6 thousand to over 12.6 thousand dollars, more than twice as great as that

C – South Vietnam’s annual per capita income rose from about 9.6 thousand per person to over 12.6 thousand dollars, more than twice as great as the jump

D – South Vietnam has seen per capita income rise from about 9.6 thousand annually to over 12.6 thousand dollars, a jump more than twice as great as that

E – South Vietnam has seen annual per capita income rise from about 9.6 thousand per person to over 12.6 thousand dollars, more than twice as great as that

Right Answer: D

Error Identification: 

Modifier “A decade after implementing…”, incorrectly modifies “per capita income”Modifier
Incorrect comparison between “jump” and “in the continent”Comparison


In the sentence, the modifier ‘A decade after implementing…’ incorrectly modifies ‘per capita income’. Instead, it should logically modify South Vietnam, which implemented the program. Also, the underlined word ‘jump’ is incorrectly compared with ‘in the continent’, instead of ‘that in the continent’. Usage of both ‘per capita’ and ‘per person’ is redundant since both mean the same.

A – Modifier ‘A decade after implementing…’ incorrectly modifies ‘per capita income’. Incorrect comparison between ‘jump’ and ‘in the continent’. Usage of both ‘per capita’ and ‘per person’ is redundant. Hence, eliminated.

B – Modifier ‘A decade after implementing…’ incorrectly modifies ‘annual per capita income’. Hence, eliminated.

C – Modifier ‘A decade after implementing…’ incorrectly modifies ‘South Vietnam’s annual per capita income’. Usage of both ‘per capita’ and ‘per person’ is redundant. Hence, eliminated.

D – Modifier ‘A decade after implementing…’ correctly modifies ‘South Vietnam’. Comparison between ‘jump’ and ‘that in the continent’ is balanced. This is the correct answer.

E – Usage of both ‘per capita’ and ‘per person’ is redundant. The word ‘jump’ is missing, making the comparison unbalanced. Hence, eliminated.


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