
If you are preparing to take the GRE, then one thing you might be wrestling with is when to take the test. Students often wonder if there is an ideal time of year to take the test. You must keep in mind the fact that it takes at least 3 weeks for the results to reach the concerned officials at the university. There is no one answer that will perfectly fit each person’s specific situation. Let us discuss some points you should keep in mind before you decide to give GRE:

  • Know the deadline for application

  • Ideally, you should take GRE test at least two months prior to the application deadline. If the deadline is in October, then you must take the test in August or even in July. Give at least 3 months to your entire preparation. But, the important factor that you must consider before devising your preparation strategy is the application deadline. It will not make any sense, if you devote an additional month to your GRE preparation and miss out on the application deadline for your chosen program. So, it is fine even if you can afford to give only two months for preparation. Just make sure that you plan in such a way that you give an ample amount of time for your application to be processed. In addition to alleviating stress, this will allow you to retake the test if you are not happy with your score. Depending upon just a single test before you have to send out your application is extremely risky and stressful.

  • Take time to prepare your SOP and LOR

  • Students take at least 2 weeks to prepare a Statement of Purpose (SOP). Much deliberation goes into coming up with a perfect SOP. It will change depending on the college you are applying for. Letter of recommendations (LOR) must be prepared carefully as your skills have to be presented properly. They are used by college officials to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the course or not. The preparation of these two important documents takes time. So, it is quite essential that you pay enough attention to highlight your best and most relevant achievements in a presentable manner.

  • Ensure the availability of time and energy

  • GRE preparation can be very demanding. Especially for the candidates, who are working professionals. It can be very difficult to follow a certain routine. GRE demands rigorous practise of various concepts related to Maths and English. So, it is very important to know if you have the time to devote to studies before you decide to appear for GRE. It is very important to manage your study time in way that it does not affect your health. Bad health could seriously hamper your performance. So, make sure that you have enough time and energy to incorporate an effective study time into your daily routine. Devote at least a period of two months for an effective preparation.

  • Be sure of your plan to attend a graduate school

  • Higher education is not everyone’s cup of tea. For fresh graduates, the decision may be a bit easier. But for candidates with work experience, it can be a bit tricky. They may have certain family obligations or other responsibilities. Moreover, it can be very difficult to quit a job. So, it can be very hard for them to decide whether to go for further studies or not. The basic rule for coming up to a conclusion remains the same. They must know exactly what they want. Experienced candidates are generally expected to know so. In order to know their true calling, the fresh graduates must explore other areas of interest. The further exploration will help them to zero in on one area.

  • Choose the test date wisely

  • The computer-based GRE test can be taken on any day of the year. But the availability of a nearby test centre can be an issue. The test day can be scheduled a day in advance. But in order to devise an effective preparation strategy, students generally book the test date several months prior to the date of test. Check out GRE’s official website for a list of test centres and book a seat for the exam on the date of your choice.

  • Give yourself a chance to reappear for the test  

  • Your performance in the first attempt may not be satisfactory because of any reason like illness, lack of preparation etc. So, plan in advance in order to be able to take another shot at GRE exam. Leaving room for another attempt will provide you an extra cushion. This additional cushion can help you get over the fear of failure. The best part of GRE is that even if you retake the test several times, only your best score will be considered for admission by the colleges.

    It is also important to have a good mentor, who can bring a certain ease to the entire learning process. Experts at BYJU’S come up with innovative ways of learning, through years of experience. These methods aim at making learning easy and fun. Take mock tests provided by BYJU’S and get an in-depth analysis of your performance. Find out your weak sections and go through the video lessons delivered by the experts to improve upon your weak areas.


BYJU’S will be glad to help you in your GRE preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GRE from us by just giving a missed call at +918884544444, or you can drop an SMS. You can write to us at


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