aspirehigherAs you complete your undergraduate degree or are taking a step towards your first job, there will be a time when you think that the field of work you’re doing now is not of interest to you. Over time, we find out that our real passion lies somewhere else, a field in which you have no experience. Switching over the field of work is a tough task when you don’t have any experience in the new field. But thankfully Universities don’t place any restrictions when it comes to students changing their stream while pursuing their MS degree.

Now, let’s assume that you hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and you developed an interest in Computer Science, and want to pursue a Master of Science in Computer Science. After getting admitted into the course, you’re definitely behind all other native students from the Computer Science background. The academic counsellors will suggest you to take three to five courses which are important prerequisites for the degree. These three to five courses will give you the kickstart, but you need to go deeper into the Computer science subject.

The university which you are targeting will give you admission into the course if your GRE scores are good and more importantly a supporting SOP indicating your interest in the subject and why they should admit you.

It is also better if you could show some evidence that you are really interested in the course. Here, we discuss some things which you could do to impress the foreign admissions committee and show your statement of interest.

Some Important Pointers

  • Related courses

Taking up related courses as electives during your undergraduate will help in establishing your interest in the subject. If you’re already on your job, don’t worry about not having those electives. You can take introductory courses on MOOC platforms online like EdX, etc. These courses will not only help you during admission, they also give you a sneak peek into what you’re likely to learn during the course of your Masters. You can also sign up for related courses on our profile booster platform.

  • Get Experience in the Related Field (Internships)

If you really like to change your stream of study to Computer Science, nothing can establish your commitment more than having some experience in the field. Unfortunately, it is also tricky to get a computer related job, with a degree in a different field. But getting internships in which you spend most of the time learning, is easier. Although they come with low pay for interns, it helps make your transition into the field much smoother. 

  • Become familiar with the field

If you’re involved in a discussion on the topic of Disruptive Technologies of 2020, will you be able to hold your own and be totally involved? It is very important to read the latest developments in the field of interest.You must know the terminologies and jargons which the industry people use, to demonstrate your ability to converse well in the field in which you have no prior experience in. This can be helpful if you can bring your knowledge of the field in the essay for the admissions committee.

Although there are multiple ways through which you can show your interest in the particular field, these three can be the starting point for your application into grad schools. Best of luck!

CareerLabs will be glad to help you in your GRE preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GRE from us by just giving a missed call at +91 6366004441, or you can drop an SMS. You can write to us at


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