Part Time Jobs in Germany

Living in a foreign country, the preferable way of handling the financial burden is through part-time and student jobs. There are many job options, but you will need to follow the German law to work there and maximize your earning and experience.Though education is cheap in Germany, there are many other expenses which can take a toll on your expenses. Earning through part-time and student jobs give you the pocket money you need, to live a comfortable life in Germany through your course program.

Before we start exploring the part-time work options in detail, we must know that there are a few laws which have to be followed to work as a part-timer.

Laws For Student Working Part Time Jobs

As an international student, you have the permission of taking up a part time job along with your studies during your stay in Germany. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind, these are: you are allowed to work a maximum of 120 days as a full-time employee or 240 days as a part-time employee, though this may vary according to the region you are staying in Germany. For example, if your university is in the area in which the requirement of human resources is high then you can get more than 120 days to work.

Usually, according to the norms of most universities, a student might not get to work for more than 20 hours in a week during the term. However, students may seek permission to work full-time during vacations.

To work in Germany, whether as part time or full time, you will need to get the work permit from the foreigners’ authority and the “Agentur für Arbeit” (Federal Employment Agency). The permit contains all the details related to maximum work limit allowed for the student.  

If your part-time salary goes over 420 Euros, then you will be required to register with the Income Tax office. Also the students should not work more than the maximum limit. The students should follow the law as the enforcement is pretty strict. The Federal Agency can even send the students back to their own country if they work over the permissible limit.

Types of Jobs Available

Student Jobs:

Graduate/ Teaching / Research Assistants at your University

Typically, the job of graduate/ teaching assistant is open for the research scholars, and pay is decent. The job includes assisting the professor in marking copies, giving out tutorials to the professor’s class or preparing research literature, as librarians, as supervisors, etc. You have to be exceptional and apply early to get this job.

Industrial Production Assistants

These are some of the best paying jobs and a good option for those students who are looking for some experience as well.

Internship and Traineeship

Internship can be done as part of the course. Some internships are paid, which can support you well and can possibly lead you to a permanent position at the firm. Traineeship is a field work related to your field of study, which is not counted as your practical course.

Part-time Jobs:

Support Staff/ Waiters At Bars, Café’s, Etc.

If you are comfortable, then you can work as a support staff or waiter and earn your pocket money, though it is the most famous job among college kids.

English Language Tutors

If your English is exceptionally good, then you can be an English tutor to German students. You can give private tuitions and earn a decent income. Some companies also hire English trainers to teach their employees and can be a good paying part-time job.

Office Assistant

The functions of this job can range between attending phone calls from clients, to fixing meeting for bosses or other administrative duties.

Home Delivery

Alternatively, you can sign up as one of the delivery boys/girls for any online shopping companies and deliver products at customer’s homes. People often tip the delivery guys too.

Most job openings are available at a big notice board at the university. Each and every university has a notice board, which can be used by the students. Local businesses will contact the university for jobs for students, and are posted there. Students with a good English knowledge or students who are trained in some musical instruments usually earn more part-time money than others.

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