If you have decided to attempt the GRE, then you must know that it consists of six sections. The first section is analytical writing and the next five sections contain two quantitative reasoning, two verbal reasoning, and finally a research section.

The GRE syllabus is vast and comprises many topics from the Quantitative and Verbal sections. It is therefore not easy to prepare for the exam on your own to achieve the required score on the GRE exam. There are a lot of resources available online like apps, online coaching classes, and study materials. Online coaching classes provide a plethora of benefits and let us look at all of them in detail below.

Benefits of GRE Coaching

  • Formal coaching allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses

While you may have the resolve and motivation to prepare for the GRE you will need expert guidance to help you understand which are your areas of strengths and weaknesses. This will assist you in preparing in a planned manner so that you are able to achieve your desired GRE score.

  • Flexibility and Convenience

With online coaching classes, you have the added benefit of choosing when to study and how to study. The coaching institutes offer tailor-made courses which can be modified according to your requirements (time, strengths, and weaknesses). You also get to study from the comfort of your home and need not follow any rigid predetermined study plans. You don’t have to worry about missing any classes since most of the online classes are pre-recorded and you can view them at your convenience.

  • Individual attention from experienced tutors

The online coaching centres have tutors who have several years of experience and are well versed in the entire GRE syllabus. You will not have to compete for attention from the trainer since the online sessions are available one on one. Therefore you will get to interact with the tutor directly and they will, in turn, be able to understand your strengths and areas of improvement. They will also be able to track your progress with the preparation and suggest how to improve your efforts to help attain your target GRE score.

  • Performance tracking and providing a test-like environment

As already mentioned your performance in tests or while solving sample questions will instantly be tracked in online classes. They will provide you with useful updates on how to improve on the recurring mistakes and also give you strategies to adopt to overcome them. Unlike in a traditional coaching environment where you might have to wait for days to receive your results, the online coaching centres provide your results immediately. In addition to this, they will also track your progress over time to give you an idea of your section-wise score and overall score improvement. Receiving complete feedback on your performance will aid you to do better in future attempts of the practice exam and help you to become fully equipped to attempt the GRE exam. The GRE is an adaptive test which means that your performance in each section will determine the level of difficulty of the next section. You will need to be well versed with this pattern so that there are no surprises on exam day. Online coaching centres provide practice tests and mock exams on a regular basis so that you are accustomed to this method of testing.

  • Better networking and social support

While many may perceive that online classes make you feel isolated and alone, however in reality that is not the case. Most online classes have many forums, groups, and chat rooms to discuss doubts among peers. You can get a lot of insights from fellow students on how to tackle problems of varying difficulty or tips on how to solve a question in a quicker manner etc. You could also find students who are aspiring to study the same course or at the same university you are interested in. This enables you to get more information about the admissions procedure as well.

  • Latest content and study materials

One of the greatest advantages which online coaching classes offer is that it has the latest study materials available for you to study from. Most of the content which you get from these classes is updated on a regular basis so that you are up to date with any changes in the format of the exam or any additional sections etc.

As you can see from the above-listed points there are several benefits while one opts for Online coaching in comparison to studying by yourself. 

We would be glad to assist you in your GRE preparation journey and you can contact us for further details.

Good Luck!


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