The GRE score calculation includes your total score in two parts — one is cumulative of your Quantitative, Verbal and Analytical Writing, the second is a percentile ranking. A percentile ranking gives you a clear understanding of your performance in comparison to candidates who have previously attempted the exam (most recently). 

In this article, we will discuss percentile ranking, the GRE score range for various tests — GRE General Test and GRE Subject Test and the scoring range of each section of the GRE General Test. 

GRE Score Range 

The GRE General Test is divided into three sections — Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Writing and the scoring range of each section are as follows: 

Sections Score Range 
Quantitative Reasoning130 to 170 (one point increments)
Verbal Reasoning130 to 170 (one point increments)
Analytical Writing   0 to 6    ( half point increments)

As already mentioned above, the Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning are scored on single point increments for every correct answer. Therefore, the final score is based on the number of correct responses given in the exam. As you are well aware, both the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections are computer-adaptive, which means the level of difficulty of the next section depends upon your performance in the previous section. Therefore, you must keep in mind that your final score depends on how well you score in both the sections. All of the questions have equal significance towards your total GRE score.

The total GRE score calculation is done when your raw score is converted into a scaled score through a process called equating. The equating process ensures that any minor difference (with regards to the difficulty level) in different test editions due to the section wise adaptive nature of the exam is accounted for. 

On the other hand, the Analytical Writing section is scored in half point increments and has a total score of six points. The essay is first evaluated by an experienced and trained human rater.  They are trained analysts on ETS essay grading. A human rater assesses the essay on various parameters like the writing proficiency, clarity, ability to convey the message precisely, coherence, vocabulary, etc. After this assessment, the essay is once again graded by an e-rater, which is a computerized program developed by ETS. In the event that both scores match, an average of the scores becomes the final score. If there is a discrepancy between both the scores, the essay is once again graded by another human rater and the final score is the average of both scores given by the human raters. We hope you now have a better understanding of how the GRE scores are calculated.

The GRE scores are valid for a period of five years and you are allowed to attempt the exam up to five times in a year with a 28 day window between each attempt.

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GRE Score Calculation

Test your GRE knowledge with these questions.

1 / 3

When shopkeeper sells the book for Rs. 500 it gives him 20 percent profit. What would be the approximate percentage of profit or loss if 8 such books were sold for Rs.3200?

2 / 3

For a summer internship each of 50 students in a certain class has enrolled themselves for Data science, Cyber security or Both. If 20 students were enrolled in Data Science and 42 were enrolled in cyber security, then how many were enrolled in Both?

3 / 3

The reaction given to George Smith’s radical invention of ‘phage display’ shows that when _______ fights convention to a draw, then innovation has taken over orthodoxy.

Your score is

The average score is 7%


Percentile Ranking

Besides a total score, as mentioned above, there’s also a percentile score. This score reveals the percentage of GRE test-takers who have scored lower than you. A percentile ranking of 85% means 25% of candidates have scored better than you and you have scored better than 85% of the test takers.

GRE Subject Test Score Range

The GRE subject test scores are scored between 200 to 990 scale in ten point increments. There are six different subjects which come under the GRE subject test. 

  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Literature in English

Few of these subject scores — Psychology, Biology and Physics also have subscores between  20-99 score scale with one point increment. The total GRE score calculation is a combined score of all the subscores. The subscore for the biology section depends on the number of questions answered correctly for each content area whereas for Psychology and Physics, the subscore is dependent on the number of questions answered accurately in each content area as well as the entire test. The subscores assist in determining your strengths and weaknesses. These are subsequently used for placement and guidance purposes.
We trust that you have now understood how GRE scores are calculated for both the GRE Subject Test and GRE General test. Furthermore, if you are wondering what is a good GRE score, we have an article dedicated to that topic, so make sure to take a look at it!

Good luck for your GRE preparation!


1.What is the highest possible GRE score?

The highest possible GRE score in both Quant and Verbal sections together is 340. The Analytical Writing section is scored independently on a scale of 0 to 6.

2.Is 310 a good GRE score?

This depends on the programs which you are applying to for admissions. If the average GRE score is around 310, then when you reach this score you become a competitive applicant. If the cutoff score is higher than 310, then you need to have a better score to increase your chances of admission.

3.What is a 85th percentile score?

The percentile score indicates the number of test-takers whom you have performed better than in the exam. So, an 85th percentile score means that you have scored better than 85 of every 100 GRE test-takers.


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