If you are planning to take the GRE test, we would recommend you first take the GRE practice test. Doing so will give you a thorough understanding of the exam pattern, the kinds of questions asked and more, thereby, increasing your confidence to take the real one. This article will help you understand some of the benefits of taking a GRE practice test and where you could find these tests for your preparation.

Why Take a GRE Practice Test?

There are several benefits of taking a GRE practice test. One of the many benefits is that it helps you realize how well you know the topics of the GRE syllabus. Moreover, once you receive your GRE practice test scores, you will know exactly where you stand and how much time it will take you to master all the concepts of the GRE quant and verbal sections. Once you get an idea of the time you need for your preparation, you will be in a better position to design an effective GRE study schedule and strategy.

In addition to understanding your level of preparedness, the GRE practice test also helps you overcome any fear that you might have about the GRE test. By taking several GRE practice tests, either online or through GRE practice test books, you will eventually learn to overcome any nervousness that you might encounter on the day of the actual exam. One of the major reasons how a practice test helps you overcome your fears is that it is designed very close to the actual GRE test. Hence, you will have the same sections with exam-like questions, which will familiarise you with the exam pattern.

Where Do You Find GRE Practice Tests?

You will find several websites offering free GRE practice tests online. However, it is better to practice from a credible source. Check out the GRE practice material offered by CareerLabs to help you with all your GRE preparation needs. Furthermore, you can also check out the PowerPrep® practice test material offered by ETS on its official website. By taking the PowerPrep practice test, you will be able to understand what you’re being tested on and gain familiarity with the various question types. Moreover, you will also understand the scoring pattern and become familiar with the tools provided to you on the day of your exam such as the on-screen calculator.

The different types of practice tests offered by ETS include PowerPrep Test Preview Tool and PowerPrep Online. You will also be pleased to learn that both these PowerPrep test materials are free for test-takers who have registered for their tests. Nevertheless, if you need to further enhance your preparation, ETS also offers a PowerPrep Plus Online material that includes three official practice tests and each of these practice tests contains sets of questions that have never been published before. The PowerPrep Plus costs $39 and can be purchased on the official website of ETS.

GRE Practice Tests for Working Professionals 

If you are a working professional looking to prepare for the GRE test, then it can be quite challenging to take time out from your busy schedule. However, you do not have to give up on your higher education goals because it is difficult for you to take time off your busy schedule. The key here is to ensure you practice little every day. Progressing through the GRE syllabus in small portions every day is better than trying to study a significant portion over the weekend. To help you balance your GRE studies and work, several GRE coaching institutes offer GRE coaching online. Check out CareerLabs GRE services for working professionals. You will find over 100+ hours of video lectures and live webinar classes provided by top trainers. Moreover, you will also get some GRE practice test pdf that you can download and practice at your convenient time. 

You are now aware of the importance of practice tests for GRE and where you can find them. With the help of ETS practice tests for GRE, you can easily prepare for the GRE and ace it without a doubt!

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GRE Practice Test

Here is a quick GRE practice quiz for you to attempt!

1 / 3

Almost after 25 years, Michelle’s reputation which was once __________ in her country is now completely damaged, because of her oblivious remarks about women empowerment that were made in public.

2 / 3

In the country of Calbia, the quantity of wheat produced per year is currently just enough to satisfy the internal domestic demand. Calbia’s total wheat acreage will not be expanded in the near future nor will the wheat yields per acre increase appreciably. Calbia’s population, however, will be increasing significantly for years to come according to the recent census report. Clearly, therefore, Calbia will soon have to begin importing wheat. 

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? 

3 / 3

What is the least possible integer value of “y” such that 3150*y is a perfect square?

Your score is

The average score is 38%


All the best!


  1. Why should I take a GRE practice test?

Taking practice tests is the best way to assess your level of preparation for the GRE test. You can identify your weaknesses and strengths, and modify your study plan to place more emphasis on your weaknesses so that you can transform them into your strengths as well.

  1. Where can I find a good GRE practice test?

GRE practice resources are available from a variety of sources. The Educational Testing Service, the body that administers the GRE, offers official test material on their website. This material includes practice tests that you can use over the course of your preparation. On the other hand, you can also choose to join a GRE prep course from an EdTech company such as CareerLabs, which will provide you with high quality and authentic GRE practice tests to take your preparation to the next level.

  1. How can taking a GRE practice test help me on test day?

If you take a GRE practice test before D-day, you will accustom yourself to the test environment and paper pattern. This is very useful, as you will then be familiar with the test questions and the speed at which you are able to solve the questions, so that you can focus on doing your best in the exam.


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