Preparing for the GRE is no easy task since it is one of the most challenging exams attempted by students to pursue their Master’s degree overseas. Therefore it is essential to prepare for the exam in a dedicated manner. One of the important factors which will help you prepare for the exam is your study materials. In this article, we guide you through selecting the appropriate materials for the preparation for the GRE.

Before proceeding further, note that the GRE is categorised into:

  1. GRE General Test
  2. GRE Subject Test

Study Material:

There are many options available in the market and therefore you may have a tough task when selecting study materials. Before you proceed to select the right study materials keep in mind the following points : 

  • Select a book that matches your learning style
  • Check for the quality of the book – it must have in-depth information about all the topics of the syllabus. It should be concise, it should give relevant examples, and clearly explain the concepts.
  • The book must contain sufficient practice questions as well. This is crucial since only with practice will you be able to analyse your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
  • A good practice book must also have proper explanations for each solution. This is essential for you to understand why a particular option is the correct answer.

Now that you are aware of the points to remember before you select your GRE study material, let us now look at the options for study materials for both the GRE General Test and GRE Subject Test.

For the GRE GENERAL Test:

  • The Official Guide to the GRE General Test Third Edition by ETS
  • POWERPREP Practice tests by ETS – These tests which are designed by the ETS simulate the exam-taking experience of the actual GRE test. You will be familiar with the structure of the GRE, the sectional adaptive nature of the test and will learn to complete the exam within the stipulated period.
  • ETS Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second edition
  • ScoreITNow – This tool is designed by the ETS to help you with online writing practice for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE. You will have topics and tasks assigned to you which are created by the ETS. You can then write and submit your essay responses for up to 2 essay topics and you will receive immediate feedback and scores. You also have access to 6 additional AWA topics to help you practice more for this section.
  • Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions Volume 1, Second edition

For the GRE SUBJECT Test:

ETS provides practice test books for each subject.

a) GRE Mathematics Books

  • GRE Mathematics (GRE Test Preparation) by REA
  • Subject Test

b) GRE Chemistry Books

  • 107 Stories about Chemistry- D. N. Trifonov, L. G. Vlasov
  • 67 All New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life, by Schwarcz Napoleon’s Buttons
  • How 17 Molecules Changed History, written by Le Couteur and Burreson

c) GRE Psychology Books

  • GRE Practicing to Take the Psychology Test
  • Graduate Study in Psychology 2010
  • The Psychology Major Handbook
  • Step-By-Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology
  • GRE Psychology w/ CD-ROM (REA) The Best Test Prep for the GRE

d) GRE Physics Books

  • Physics for Scientists & Engineers With Modern Physics
  • University Physics
  • Physics Fundamentals Fundamentals of Physics
  • Top Physics Subject Test Prep books
  • 3,000 Solved Problems in Physics
  • The Best Test Prep for the GRE (Test Preps)
  • GRE Physics Test: REA: Serious Prep for the GRE
  • University of Chicago Graduate Problems in Physics with Solutions

App-based and Internet Learning:

In the current​​ techno-savvy world, paperless culture has become extremely popular. There are many test preparation centres providing study materials either online or through an app. There are a myriad of benefits associated with online learning like – comfort, convenience, cost-effectiveness, and much more. CareerLabs is one of the leading edu-tech organisations that is easing learning with innovative methods of teaching. 

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