Often students wait till the last minute of the deadline to apply for their Masters degree. However, for all the lethargic candidates out there, there is news. We recommend you to apply early for your MS degree as it will greatly increase your chances of getting selected into a college of your choice. How? Because of the following reasons:

  1. It will bring you into the notice: Your application will be reviewed earlier than other applicants in the second round of counselling and this increases your chances of making it into top programs as well.
  2. It will greatly increase your chances if you have a good profile. Students sometimes wait till the 2nd round of counselling to apply as they wish to use this time to improve their TOEFL/IELTS/GRE scores etc. However, if you feel like you have a suitable profile with the scores you have obtained then you must apply early, as the 2nd round of counselling generally takes less amount of intake.
  3. Many a times, students get their applications rejected on the basis of a low GRE or TOEFL score.

Therefore, there are advantages due to applying in the first round of counselling, this will greatly improve your chances of selection. The best way to ensure selection is to start your GRE preparation early and apply in the first round of counselling.

To gain more information – Talk to our mentors for a detailed discussion and guidance for your GRE exam preparation @ 9900004628. You can also directly write to us with all your details and queries at gre@thinkandlearn.in. We would be more than happy to help. Happy Learning!


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