Indian Institute of Management, better known as IIMs is considered to be the best institute in the country for business and management studies. They offer advanced business and management courses like Doctoral programs (Ph.D.), Post Graduate Programs (PGP), and Executive Education Programs. The institutions were founded by Jawaharlal Nehru and there are about 20 public autonomous institutes of management education and research in India.

The IIMS uses pragmatic teaching methods to help students gain knowledge in all functional areas of management by providing cutting-edge research options. The IIMs offer distinct programs according to the requirements of each category of individuals. 

Aside from the above-mentioned programs IIM also offers Executive MBA programs for working professionals to help elevate their professional journey. These are generally one or two-year programs and they can also be pursued part-time by working professionals. Let us learn more about the advantages of an Executive MBA from IIM.

Five Reasons Why an Executive MBA is Considered Valuable 

1) Interacting with the best minds

The Executive MBA program at IIM attracts some of the most brilliant minds both from India and outside India. The individuals will have extensive work experience and are certain to be competent in their respective fields. When you study along with such skilled people you have the opportunity to gain different insights since most of the Executive MBA classes are interactive in nature. This will help in improving your knowledge in the process and provide you with international exposure. In addition, you’ll also get the opportunity to expand your professional network, and this will have a positive impact on your professional career in the future.

2) Industry-oriented Courses:

The EMBA syllabus mainly focuses on case studies. It enables you to encounter real-world situations and provides you with ways on how to deal with them. Additionally, you will also acquire essential skills necessary for business. You will learn how to work in a team and improve your communication skills. This experiential learning is sure to assist you in actively participating and interacting with a lot of individuals. In addition to the above, the Executive MBA programs have gained popularity among recruiters as well. More companies have become aware of the significance of an Executive MBA graduate.

3) Staff:

There is no doubt that the IIMs are home to faculty who have impressive credentials and several years of experience. You can rest assured that you are taught by the most reputed and talented professors. They will teach you concepts in a manner that is easy to understand since they are well versed in teaching the subject to several batches of students. Additionally, they are updated constantly with the latest developments and changes to the curriculum according to the new trends in the business world.

4) Career Growth:

An EMBA is an undeniable way to help accelerate your career graph. It gives you the much-needed qualifications to elevate your career whereas otherwise, you may be in the same role for several years without any significant improvements. The Executive MBA also gives you the option to change fields into a different career or domain which intrigues you. The coveted MBA tag automatically increases your employability and your caliber in the eyes of the recruiter.

5) Easy admissions process and coursework:

Since these EMBA courses are generally aimed at senior executives or working professionals with several years of experience the admissions process is relatively simple. The admissions process is mostly profile-based. The program is carefully designed keeping in mind the busy schedules of executives. It is a module-based program that requires only periodic presence on campus by the candidates. As already mentioned the program involves experiential learning through virtual simulations, technology-driven classrooms. The EMBA equips you with all skills required to become a successful and competent manager in addition to learning how to handle a team.

Even though there are some differences between a regular MBA program and an executive MBA both programs assist in preparing individuals to become capable managers. Therefore an Executive MBA especially from an IIM is certain to elevate your profile and help you in your career immensely.

Good Luck!


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