Online GMAT Preparation

You are fairly aware of the fact that how the internet and online courses are time savior and a much efficient way of learning. You are a working professional who lacks time to study in your busy schedule. To grow in your career and gain an established profile, you have planned to opt for an MBA course, so you need to prepare for CAT, MAT, GRE or GMAT, but you don’t know where to start?

Ask yourself – “Which type of education platform fits your lifestyle: online or classroom?”

To prepare for examinations like GMAT, using online source is a cheaper & less time-consuming and is a good alternative to classroom education. Online mentorship programs, or “online boot camps,” provide students with extensive skills that take less time to obtain than classroom learning.

Start with Byju’s GMAT preparation tablet. One of the main advantages of Byju’s tablet is convenience. You can sit at home, relax in the garden or while traveling to the office, you can browse through your study material at the right moment in the tablet. You can learn on the go!

Well, to give a clear perspective, we have listed a table where you can find out the advantage and disadvantages of preparing for GMAT with Byju’s tablet in comparison with a classroom.

GMAT Prep: Online vs Classroom Learning

Fixed timings: You will be allotted the specific batch which gathers at a specific time. So you have to stick to the timings. One of the advantages is your schedule will be fixed but the disadvantage is that there will be no flexibility. If you miss a class, then it is very difficult to re-attend or shall we say re-gather the information taught in the class. This issue is faced by working professionals. Flexible timings: With gadget based learning program, any time you have the access to the content. So you can utilize it by going through some video lectures and solving some questions. The only disadvantage is the casual routine (if you let it be casual). With this kind of flexibility, the schedule become very relaxed and people tend to de-prioritize the GMAT preparation. So, make sure you be consistent.
No customization: There is huge diversity when it comes to GMAT crowd. For some, mathematics is strong and for some, verbal is. To teach weaker student, the class might go in very slow pace. So if you are strong in that topic your will be wasting your time. This might lead to loss of interest in the classes and you might stop going. Customization in more than one parameter:

Choose the topic where you are comfortable and wrap it up quickly. It’s a common tendency among aspirants to skip the video lectures and directly jump to the question. Though they have to come back to lectures if the test result is not up to the mark, but in this process, the aspirant can check where he stands and the time they save can be dedicated towards their weaker topics.

Diversity in terms of age: When it comes to GMAT, you might face the huge diversity from 0 to 25 years of experience. Each person will have different pace of learning in different topic. A conventional pace of class won’t suffice all of them. For some it will be too slow and for some it will be too fast. No diversity: You can customize the pace of learning. Choose the topic that you want to study. Skip the part where you feel comfortable. Go slowly through the part where you are not. In other word, it is your personal classroom.
Instantaneous Doubt Clarification: That is one advantage why still most of us prefer classes. You have any doubt, raise your hand and your doubt is clarified instantaneously. But still many of us feel a bit shy to ask the doubt in front of other. In that case it still remains unclarified. No more delayed doubt clarification: With BYJU’s, the scenario is completely different. Each student is provided a personal mentor, who can be contacted anytime for anything.

If you are still in any conundrum then, We’ll be glad to help you in your GMAT preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GMAT and MBA from us by calling us at +918884544444. You can write to us at


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