To get a great career with lots of job opportunities after graduation, you should join management or other training courses. MBA is one of the best business courses for higher education after graduation. If you join MBA, it will provide you with an excellent career ahead. To get admission to a business school for MBA, you have to take the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) exam. The business schools take entry based on the rank and score of a student in GMAT. You should prepare for the exam well to get admission to a good business school.

There are many things to prepare for the GMAT exam. You should know the syllabus, registration process, exam procedure, scoring, and resulting process, cut-off, etc. Also, you have to know about the exam timing earlier to prepare for the exam accordingly. In this article, we are suggesting the exam schedules for you.

Different Ways To Schedule Your GMAT Exam

GMAT exams can be taken at any time of the year. Every month, there is a particular date for the exam. You can take the test from the comfort of your home any day in a week at any given time of the day. You have to book your schedule earlier to appear in the exam to get your preferable date time. Therefore, you should choose a convenient date and time wisely. While selecting the perfect schedule for your GMAT exam, you should follow the given steps below.

Collect Proper Information

Before choosing your GMAT exam schedule, you should know some essential things about the GMAT exam. You should see the application deadlines for your MBA program in the business schools. According to the admission schedule of your preferable business schools, you should choose your GMAT exam timing. 

There are several formal regulations in the GMAT exam. If you decide to take the exam in offline mode, you may have to face location-specific rules. While you are choosing a centre for your exam, you should know the regulations of that place. If you have any disability or testing accommodation, you have to follow special scheduling instructions. You should know about the instructions before choosing your schedule. It will help if you plan a study routine for your GMAT exam preparation

By planning the routine, you will know how long it will take you to be prepared for the exam. According to that timing, you should choose the exam schedule. Also, you must know the test centre sites near you before selecting the exam schedule. After collecting this information correctly, you should go for choosing your GMAT exam schedule.

Make A Proper Timeline

After collecting the above information, you have to make a proper timeline for your exam preparation. You need to collect the syllabus and start studying the subjects. You should know the amount of time that will be needed to read and practice all the topics thoroughly. Add some extra time for registration and other formalities. Also, you may need additional time for accommodations. 

Considering all these timing factors, you should choose your exam schedule. To make your preparation timeline, you must remember all the parts of the entire syllabus. In that time, you have to read all the topics and revise them repeatedly. It would be best to keep in mind the timings for mail registration, payment process, checking process, online structures, etc.

Schedule The Perfect Time

By making the exam preparation timeline, you will know when you can take the GMAT exam. After collecting the mentioned information and preparing the timeline, you can officially choose your GMAT exam schedule. You can select the exam schedule after registration for your GMAT exam. While registering for GMAT, you have to pick up the final exam schedule for the test. 

You can choose the exam schedule through different platforms such as online accounts, phone calls, postal mail or fax. For online selection, you have to create your account at and register yourself. After that, you will be allowed to pick your exam schedule. For the phone call, you have to call the GMAT customer service number of your region and complete the procedure suggested by them. For postal mail, you have to fill up the online form and mail it along with your payment details and registration details. For fax, you have to attach the documents, payment details, registration details and fax it to the provided number.

Complete Your Payment And Review Confirmation

After choosing your GMAT schedule, you have to complete your payment. Collect the information about GMAT exam fees and payment procedures. You can pay for your exam using a credit card or debit card. Also, check and money order is acceptable. Complete your payment right after choosing the schedule of the exam. 

Otherwise, your registration and schedule will not be confirmed. After payment, you should check your enrolment for confirmation. You must check that the information mentioned in the identification form is the same as the listed information. After that, you should check that your exam schedule and centre are correct, as you mentioned. If the exam centre says ‘DOD’, one should check their identification before the exam date. By studying these things, you can confirm your enrolment, exam schedule, and exam venue.

How To Prepare Your GMAT Preparation Timeline?

To select the GMAT exam schedule, you need to build a preparation timeline. For making the timeline, you need to focus on the following things.

Know The Syllabus

First of all, you need to know the syllabus of the GMAT. There are four exam sections- integrated reasoning, quantitative assessment, verbal, and analytical writing. There is no specific syllabus for all these parts. You have to practice and solve questions on these sections as much as you can. 

Practice Problems

It will help if you read different topics in detail for the integrated reasoning and analytical writing sections. For the quantitative assessment and verbal section, you have to solve various mathematics and verbal communication questions. As there is no specific syllabus, you have to practice all these questions a lot. You have to invest as much time you can use in practice.

Prepare Resume

To appear in the GMAT exam, you need a well-built resume. Your resume should be impressive so that you can use that in your business school too. You should be careful about preparing the resume. You must add as many things as you can to the resume to make it better. The resume must maintain a formal tone of language.

Time For Practice Tests

After solving different problems from the four sections of GMAT, you should appear in various practice tests. Several websites are offering practice tests for GMAT every week. There is some GMAT software where you will get questions with answers and explanations. You should take these tests regularly in the exam environment, which will help you overcome the exam hall’s fear.

GMAT Retakes

GMAT tests can be taken on both offline and online platforms. In 2021, the GMAT is going to be held through the online platform. Everyone has to appear in the online GMAT test. There can be some technical issues in online tests for which your exam can be postponed for a specific time. In those cases, you have to appear in the GMAT retakes. Therefore, you should keep in mind the timing for GMAT retake before choosing the final exam schedule.

Registration Formalities

As the enrolment and payment are in the virtual mode currently, there can be technical issues sometimes. Therefore, you should keep some extra time in your hand after preparation and before the exam schedule. This extra time will be necessary for enrolment, payment, confirmation, mail registration, etc. You prepare your timeline considering the extra time.

Make Your Study Plan

As you will appear in the GMAT exam, you should be serious about your study plan. If you make a day-to-day study plan, your preparation will be more efficient, and you will get more time to explore. GMAT exam doesn’t have any particular syllabus of any subject. Therefore, you have to read anything and everything you can. 

For analytical writing and integrated reasoning, reading different articles is essential. It would help if you read as many topics as you can. For verbal, you should be more efficient in your verbal communication skills. For quantitative assessment, you have to solve different mathematical problems. Considering all these, you must make a study plan before starting your preparation and follow it properly. 


As GMAT is a competitive exam for entering your higher studies, you should be sincere about the exam. It would be best if you were well prepared with your skills and studies. The exam schedule plays a vital role in your preparation. It would help if you chose your GMAT exam schedule wisely to get proper time for preparation and other formalities. Before choosing your final exam schedule, you should remember the things mentioned above. Complete all the essential formalities and complete the scheduling process by reviewing confirmation. Therefore, without wasting time, you should start your GMAT exam preparation with a proper timeline from now.


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