When preparing for the GMAT, it is necessary to make use of as many GMAT prep resources you can get your hands on. Practicing from several question banks, using mock tests and taking live training sessions not only helps you gain a fine grip over the concepts but also exposes you to a wide range of exam-like questions and shortcuts to solve them. 

If you’re wondering what are the different types of GMAT prep resources to rely on for your preparation, you should read this article wherein we mention a few must-have resources when preparing for the test.

Essential GMAT Prep Resources You Should Have 

When preparing for the GMAT it is essential to practise from authentic sources. While there are several study resources out there and only a handful of them are reliable. Here is a list of resources we have gathered for you to know:

  1. The GMAT Official Guide

When starting to prepare for the GMAT, it is quintessential to start practising from the GMAT official guide. Whether you take up a GMAT intensive prep course or not, the GMAT official guide should be your go-to source for understanding concepts tested on the GMAT, practising various questions and taking diagnostic tests. Furthermore, after you have solved questions from the test, you can also understand the underlying concept behind each question by reviewing the explanations mentioned in the solutions’ sections of the guide. By reviewing each question, you not only understand where you may have gone wrong but also understand what you did right. Solving the GMAT official guide is the best GMAT intensive course you can take up, particularly if you’re short on time.

  1. The Official GMAT Section Guides

If you seem to be struggling with a few concepts or need more depth in any of the GMAT sections then a GMAT official guide is a resource you should have to cement your understanding of the concept. The GMAT official guide is available for both the GMAT quantitative and verbal reasoning sections, it offers more questions pertaining to topics tested on each of the two sections and offers more in-depth explanations.

  1. GMAT Practice Tests

The best way to evaluate your performance is to test yourself with GMAT practise tests that are a replica of the actual exam. Mock tests are an essential GMAT prep resource because they not only help predict your performance on the actual test but also help you improve in time management skills and overcome exam nerves.

  1. GMAT Online Course Package

In addition to all the study material and tools that we have mentioned above, it is extremely essential to enrol in any of the intensive GMAT prep courses available online which is offered by a reputed institute. GMAT online coaching not only offers a great deal of flexibility to help balance your professional commitments and GMAT preparation but also offers access to a wide range of study material and guidance from expert tutors.

There you go, these are essential GMAT prep resources you should have to kickstart your preparation for the test. Now that we have informed you about the important resources to rely on, you’re better positioned to start your preparation.


  1. Is the GMAT timed?

Yes, the GMAT is timed at 3 hours and 7 minutes.

  1. How many sections does the GMAT have?

The GMAT is divided into four sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment.

  1. What is the scoring pattern of the GMAT?

While the GMAT exam is scored on a scale of 200-800, the quant and verbal reasoning sections are scored on a scale of 6-52. The individual scores of the quant and verbal sections are called raw scores and the combination of both scores makes up your overall GMAT score. 


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