To do exceptionally well in the integrated reasoning section of the GMAT exam, you have to be thorough with the GMAT integrated reasoning syllabus. The integrated reasoning section consists of four types of questions — Multi-Source Reasoning, Table Analysis, Graphics Interpretation, and Two-Part Analysis.
The GMAT integrated reasoning section tests your ability to analyse and interpret data given in graphs, graphic tables, bar charts and more. This section consists of twelve questions and you have to complete them in 30 minutes. Let’s take a look at the types of questions in detail below.
GMAT Integrated Reasoning Questions
The four types of GMAT integrated reasoning questions are as follows:
GMAT IR Table Analysis
In the table analysis question, you are given all the data in a table. You have to analyse the data and choose an answer from the options given. You have to choose a statement that best explains the data provided to you. Below is a sample Table Analysis question.

GMAT IR Graphic Interpretation
Data is given to you in various graphical formats — bar chart, scatter plot, pie chart and more. The questions are followed by two statements and multiple answer choices. You have to analyse the data given, draw conclusions and choose an appropriate answer from the options given. Below is a sample Graphic interpretation question.

GMAT IR Multi-source Reasoning
In this question, you have to analyse and examine data from various sources — graphics, tables, passages or a combination of all three. The given data is followed by multiple questions and answer options. You have to carefully analyse each data source. For some of the questions, you might have to determine whether the given data is relevant to answer questions and for some, you might have to check for any discrepancies in the data formats and draw conclusions. Below is a sample Multi-source reasoning question.

GMAT IR Two-part Analysis
The two-part analysis questions are designed to test your ability in solving complex problems. Besides, the questions asked cover a wide range of topics — verbal, quantitative or a combination of both. Below is a sample two-part analysis question.

This is an overview of the GMAT integrated reasoning syllabus. Although this section doesn’t contribute to your total GMAT score, it is essential to score well. You can only do this if you have prepared every topic in the syllabus thoroughly.