GMAT preparation is no joke. It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for this challenging test adequately. If you were wondering: ‘Is the GMAT exam tough?’, you were right. But with the right preparation material, you can be confident in your ability to ace it. In this article, we will discuss some helpful tips on best preparing for each section of the exam. 

For starters, you must be familiar with the structure of the GMAT. The exam has four sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing Assessment. Let’s take a closer look at each section:

Verbal Reasoning  

In the GMAT verbal reasoning section, you will be tested on your ability to understand written English language content and answer questions based on that content. To prepare for this section, you must become comfortable with grammar rules and vocabulary words. It would be best if you also practised skimming passages and answering questions about them accurately. A great way to do this is by using practice materials from reputable test prep companies. These companies offer comprehensive books and online resources that can help improve your verbal skills quickly. Many free online resources can help improve your vocabulary skills (such as Finally, make sure you get plenty of practice taking timed tests to become comfortable working under pressure.

Quantitative Reasoning

This section tests your ability to solve mathematical problems efficiently. To prepare for this section, you must develop a strong foundation in basic maths concepts; such as arithmetic operations, fractions, decimals, etcetera. You should also practice solving word problems since these account for a large percentage of questions on the GMAT quant portion. Many books offer in-depth coverage of basic maths concepts and lots of practice problems similar in style and difficulty level to those found on the actual GMAT exam. Moreover, the GMAC official website itself provides plenty of practice resources, so make sure to check it out.

Integrated Reasoning 

This new addition to the GMAT measures how well test takers simultaneously use information from different sources while solving complex problems. There isn’t one specific strategy that guarantees success here; however, practising under time constraints will help hone your skill set for integrated reasoning tasks on test day! Many students find video lectures helpful when preparing specifically for integrated reasoning. There is plenty of information on the GMAC official website regarding video tutorials, question banks etc. 

Analytical Writing Assessment 

The GMAT AWA section is one of the most critical but often overlooked exam sections. The GMAT AWA score accounts for 30% of the total score, so it is essential to prepare adequately. 

There are a variety of preparation materials available to help you prepare for the GMAT AWA section. The best way to find suitable material for you is to research and ask around. Try different resources and find what works best for you. Some people prefer online courses, while others prefer books or practice tests. You must find something that fits your learning style and allows you enough time to practice before taking the actual test. 

No matter which resource, or combination of resources you choose, make sure that you spend time practising and writing essays, and that too under timed conditions—so that when it’s time to attempt the GMAT AWA section, you feel confident and prepared. 

So there you have it! These are just some essential tips for preparing for the GMAT exam—but they should get you started in the right direction!

Good luck! You can do it!


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