Kolkata has many renowned business schools such as the Indian Institute of Management, IMI, IISWBM, IIFT and many more. If you want to study at these universities, then it is necessary for you to attempt the GMAT exam. The scores you obtain on the GMAT will determine your admissions into these colleges or even any international B-school. However, you need to prepare thoroughly for the GMAT exam to get a good score. To help you with your preparation you can take up a GMAT coaching in Kolkata. Preparing the exam under expert guidance increases your chances of getting a good score and in turn making it into the college or institute of your choice. 

With the current pandemic situation forcing everyone indoors, many coaching institutes have started offering online coaching classes. There are a multitude of benefits which these online coaching classes provide and we have listed them below.

  • Flexibile – You get to choose when to study, what to study and how to study.
  • Convenient  – You will no longer have to travel for hours to a coaching institute to study and can learn from your home. There is also no need to worry about missing any classes since sessions are also recorded. You can watch them at your own pace. 
  • Cost-effective – The GMAT coaching in Kolkata fees are cost effective and affordable for all students when compared to traditional coaching classes.If a traditional classroom costs you around 40,000, an online GMAT coaching class will cost half of it or even less. 
  • Unlimited study materials – You can access a wide range of study materials, sample papers, mock exams, solved questions and much more.
  • Experienced faculty – These coaching institutes have professors who are well experienced and have taught many batches of students for the GMAT. You can have private classes scheduled with them where you can discuss all your doubts.

In addition to the above mentioned numerous benefits, online coaching classes also provide additional services such as helping you prepare your application for admissions, helping you with your documents required for admissions (i.e) SOP (Statement of Purpose), LOR (Letters of Recommendation), CV (Curriculum Vitae), Essays, etc. These are crucial aspects of your profile which also play an important role in your admissions process. Therefore, it is essential that you check whether the coaching class you are enrolling with provides these services. 

CareerLabs is one such GMAT coaching online institute that you can enroll into. Besides training you with all the different aspects of the GMAT exam, which includes the structure of the GMAT, the types of questions asked in each section of the GMAT, shortcuts on solving questions and much more, it also provides you with these above-mentioned additional services.  Here you will be guided by the best faculty members such as Mr. Santosh P.N who has scored 780/800 in the GMAT exam, 99 percentile in CAT and Mr.Amit Ravindra who has scored 760/800 in the GMAT exam and a 100 percentile in CAT.  Under such guidance, rest assured that you will come out with flying colours and make it into your dream business school. 

Good Luck!


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