More than 3.5 crore students graduate from colleges every year in India, according to the AISHE by MHRD! Combining that with the limited job opportunities and shrinking job market, people beg the question, “Can you do an MBA through GMAT with no work experience?”  

For an experienced professional with over one or two years of work experience, pursuing an MBA degree is pretty straightforward in any country, not just India. But how can new graduates get an MBA degree with zero experience in the field?  

Is There a Substitute for Work Experience?  

The short answer is, “Yes!” B-schools (business schools) are very well aware and informed about the job market globally. They know that several jobs themselves require an MBA degree. As times change, so do the evaluation of business schools.  

If a person does not have relevant job experience, he or she can substitute this deficiency with internships, volunteering at NGOs, college club activities, college group projects and more – things that reflect the candidate’s ability to lead and manage teams.  

Moreover, with the application numbers for MBA degrees soaring by the year globally, colleges are moving towards taking in people that have a greater potential in the business administration field over people who just have work experience. One of the ways colleges evaluate a candidate’s potential is through his or her GMAT score. So, make sure your GMAT prep is at its finest.  

Perks of Pursuing an MBA Degree with Zero Professional Work Experience  

Yes, that is right. Contrary to popular belief, there are several advantages of enrolling in an MBA degree soon after graduation.  

Firstly, people get a head start in their career. While many people invest anywhere between two to seven years before pursuing an MBA degree, people who start with their career fresh with an MBA degree get a head start by skipping all the lower-level job profiles.  

Secondly, getting a managerial job becomes easier. This empowers the MBA graduate to negotiate for better salary packages and also opens up job opportunities globally, not just locally.  

Last but not least, people pursuing an MBA degree without any professional experience get a first-hand insight into the best business practices and ethics, which otherwise take many years to develop.  

Some countries that offer MBA programs to fresh graduates with no work experience are:  

  • India  
  • United States of America (USA)  
  • United Kingdom (UK)  
  • Sweden  
  • Germany  
  • France  
  • Australia  
  • Canada  

So, ramping up your GMAT prep is essential if you want global recognition and to open more study options.  

Why GMAT?  

People aspiring for an MBA degree right after graduation without any work experience are often in a dilemma regarding the exam they need to prep for. There are several exams one can sit on for admission in a b-school, but GMAT certainly stands.  

Firstly, GMAT gives the candidates global recognition and empowers them to apply to colleges and universities all over the globe.  

Furthermore, GMAT evaluates the critical skills required to excel in a b-school. That is one of the many reasons why about 90% of MBA admissions are made with GMAT scores.  

Check out this blog to know more about the importance of GMAT and what sets it apart.  So, start your GMAT prep today without any delay to broaden your horizon and increase your chances of being selected in an MBA program without any prior work experience. You can also check out CareerLabs to further your MBA aspirations.


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