If you are an engineer who’s planning to take up the GMAT exam and wondering how to start your preparation, then you have landed at the right place. In this article, we will talk about the GMAT preparation plan for engineers. So keep reading!

Getting into an MBA program after completing an engineering degree is a common trend seen amongst engineering students. The rise in demand for engineers with strong business acumen has resulted in several engineering students opting to enrol into MBA programmes to enhance their knowledge of business and managerial skills. While domestic business schools are the primarily targeted institutions, several engineering candidates also target business schools abroad to pursue their MBA. 

Naturally, the next step for any MBA aspirant looking to study at a business school abroad is taking up the GMAT exam and scoring well in it. Besides, engineering students, in particular, tend to perform better than their counterparts from the liberal arts or business backgrounds in the GMAT, particularly the quantitative reasoning section. One of the major reasons engineering students find the GMAT quant section easier is due to a strong background in mathematics but most tend to struggle when it comes to the verbal reasoning and analytical writing sections of the GMAT exam. So, here’s a GMAT preparation for engineers plan for you that will help you give importance to each section equally. 

Setting Up a GMAT Preparation Plan for Engineers:
Step 1 – Starting with a Diagnostic Test

Before you begin preparing for the GMAT it is essential to take a diagnostic test irrespective of your academic background. Taking a diagnostic test is the first and foremost essential part of preparing for the GMAT because it helps you understand how familiar you are with most concepts asked in the GMAT test. 

A GMAT mock test will not only tell you how you rank on the test but will also give you a sense of direction to begin your preparations. As an engineering student, you may find yourself performing well in the quant section as compared to the verbal section of the GMAT. This is mainly due to the advanced mathematical training you might have received from your academic background. However, once you have your GMAT mock test scores, it is essential to identify your strengths and weaknesses and plan your preparations accordingly.

Step 2 – Strengthening Your Basics and Laying Down a Strong Foundation

After receiving your mock test scores, you begin your GMAT preparation by revisiting the basics of both the quant and verbal sections of the GMAT. To understand the basic concepts of algebra, geometry, number properties and English grammar you can rely on guides that are available on the internet. Furthermore, if you find certain topics challenging you can consider enrolling at a prep class or coaching centre to help you prepare for the exam. 

Step 3 – Gradually Increase Your Difficulty Level

After about a month of familiarizing yourself with the verbal and quant concepts, you must try to solve tougher questions by timing yourself. Time management is an important aspect of the GMAT exam and learning to solve a tough question in the shortest possible time is essential to scoring well in the test. Hence, you should ensure that you continue to practice by timing yourself once you’re familiar with the concepts. 

Step 4 – Retesting: Taking Another Mock Test

Once you have completed learning all the basic concepts of both the verbal and quant sections of the GMAT, it is essential to take another mock test to check your performance. However, this time ensure you replicate the exam-like scenario as much as possible. Try taking the test at the same time that you have scheduled your actual exam. By taking another mock test and simulating the exam-like scenario you’re not only practising for the exam but are also reducing any nervousness that you may feel on the day of your actual exam. When you have completed the mock test, analyse and review your answers to see whether you have improved from the previous attempt. If you haven’t, then it is best to revisit the basics and find the gaps that are proving to be a hindrance.

Step 5 – Solve Tougher Questions

After a span of three or four months of vigorous practising, you must start solving tougher questions with shortcuts. Since the GMAT is a computer-adaptive test, solving tougher questions in as little time as possible is extremely essential to reach the 700 score.  

Step 6 – Be Test Ready

Ensure that you’re completely ready to take the test. Avoid studying on the test day and try keeping yourself as calm as possible. Make sure to sleep and eat well. Studies have shown that test-takers who sleep well perform better than those who tend to miss out on a sufficient amount of rest. Moreover, remember that your test scores are not final! If you choose to, you can always cancel your scores and retake the exam if you’re not satisfied with your score.

Here are few test-day tips that may be of help to you:

Five Essential GMAT Test Tips:
  1. Do not skip any questions. Make sure you attempt all questions because you will be penalised for any unanswered question.
  2. Take a calculated guess if you’re stuck on a particular question during the exam.
  3. Be mindful of the time so that you answer all questions.
  4. Practice staying focused throughout the 3 hours duration of the exam.
  5. Practice reading faster during your preparation so you do not take too much time reading on the actual test.

Now that we’ve informed you about the steps to preparing an effective study plan, you’re better positioned to begin your GMAT preparations. All in all, as an engineering student you can leverage the use of your academic background to up your quantitative score but remember that the verbal section over the GMAT is equally important to achieving a higher score.  

Hope this GMAT preparation plan for engineers helped all the engineering students out there!


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