Google is one of the most sought-after companies among those seeking employment; irrespective of whether they are professionally experienced or freshers. Such is the brand value of the company. Ranked number one on the list of ‘Best companies to work for’ consecutively for six years, Google has one of the toughest interviews that cannot be cracked without adequate preparation. In this article, you will learn more about the Google interview process.

Before we begin, let us understand the eligibility criteria and how to apply for a job at Google.

How to Apply at Google?

If you are seeking a job at Google, you can visit the careers section on the company’s official website and find the roles that fit your profile. After you have applied for the desired positions, the talent acquisition team at Google will reach out to you. Also, it is essential to update your Linkedin profile with your recent achievements and skills acquired as it is likely to be evaluated; this can play a role in the screening process.

Importantly, if you are a fresher with strong skills in data structures and algorithms, you can participate in Google Kickstart, a competition conducted six times a year. Performing well in this competition can serve as a gateway to your dream job at Google. 

Here are some of the essential traits that Google recruiters look for in a candidate.

  • Goal-oriented
  • Proactive
  • Honest
  • Team player

Eligibility Criteria 

  • A bachelor’s degree in the field of computer programming with strong academic grades.
  • Experience having worked on projects during graduation that demonstrates skills and interest in the field you’re applying to. 

Now that we know what it takes to apply for a job at Google, let us understand the interview process.

Google Interview Process

The interview process at Google involves telephonic interviews, technical interviews, and a newly-instituted behavioural interview known as the ‘Googliness’ round. Let us look at them in detail:

  1. Telephonic interview

The first stage of the Google interview process involves two rounds of telephonic interviews where the interviewer will assess your profile and see if you fit the role.  You will also be gauged on your soft skills such as communication. In addition to this, you will be questioned on data structures and algorithms to test your knowledge on these two topics.

  1. On-site Interview or Technical Interview

The technical interview at Google is divided into four to six different rounds which encompass system designs. It is essential to build your knowledge of SQL programming so that you can answer systems design-related questions.

  1. ‘Googliness Round

This is the final round. Its aim is to ascertain whether you fit into Google’s work culture. In this round, it is important to only answer the questions asked but also to have a few questions that you may want to ask the interviewers. This can help convey your curiosity and determination to work at Google.

Here you go. These are the rounds in the Google interview process that you need to prepare for. Now that we have explained to you about the recruitment process at Google and the different rounds, you are better positioned to plan and prepare for your upcoming interview.

All the best! 


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