
Everyone comes to a point in life where they are faced with a dilemma about what the next step should be in their career. It is quite understandable that each individual looks to improve their career graph by leaps and bounds. An MBA degree would certainly help in this regard and many students opt to do the same. Pursuing an MBA is no simple feat since there are many factors involved right from choosing which exam to attempt, which specialization to choose, where to study, what the job opportunities are etc. There are two sides to every coin and of course, choosing to do an MBA is no exception to this. However, you must weigh both the pros and cons before you make an informed decision to do your MBA degree. In this article, we will discuss in detail a few of the reasons why you should choose to do an MBA.

Who Should Look For An MBA?

An MBA degree equips you to be a well-rounded professional who is capable of handling a managerial position in a company. People with an MBA degree also go on to become entrepreneurs. Another major advantage with pursuing an MBA is that you have the option to switch fields if you desire to do so. There is no age limit for individuals who would like to do their MBA degree. You also have many choices of MBA programs like : Full-time MBA, Executive MBA or you could choose to do a long distance MBA program.

Why Should One Look For an MBA?

These days everyone is intrigued by MBA, but you must analyze yourself from a career perspective. Why do you need an MBA? If you get any three answers from the points mentioned below, then without wasting a minute in re-thinking, you must draw up MBA preparation strategies and start following it.

  • Improving your knowledge – Doing an MBA program not only teaches you about management concepts it also helps you to understand and cultivate qualities like – Leadership, Decision Making, Finance, and Marketing. Many traits of successful managers are due to a strong foundation they obtain during their course of study. You acquire a few invaluable attributes like – Understanding how your company is doing in the market, Making sure to hire the correct set of people for the job, Devising an effective hierarchy and knowing when to take critical decisions.
  • Building an extensive network – Not to be taken literally building a network does not entail only expanding your contacts list. You may come across hundreds of individuals during your period of studying. Professors, Students, Mentors etc- Each of them will certainly contribute to your journey in some way or the other. However, once you complete your degree you become a part of an elite group of alumni of your university. Thousands of students who have passed out before you are also a part of the same group. This opens up many doors of opportunities for you in the form of jobs, internships etc. You can make extensive use of your university’s alumni network to talk to individuals who have previously studied at your college.
  • Career Shift and Remarkable Career Opportunities– Many of us are stuck in a field we are no longer interested in. You may have studied Computer Science Engineering and ended up in a software job when you realize your actual passion lies in Finance or Marketing or Human Resources even. Although we may usually not get a chance to make a switch in our career in such an abrupt manner you can do so while selecting the stream you want to do in your MBA degree. You are given an option to select any specialization which interests you and make the switch in a smooth manner. An MBA degree is certainly an accomplishment for any individual and it is even more profound when you complete the degree from a renowned university. This instantly paves way for you to great career opportunities at prestigious firms. You will be offered mid to high-level managerial roles and you will receive lucrative offers as well. The companies hiring you will be well aware of your credibility since you have managed to successfully navigate through the GMAT entrance exams, the laborious application process (SOP, LORs) and finally gaining admissions at the top B-schools. Recruiters will not hesitate to hire a candidate who has such impressive credentials. They would have no second thoughts regarding the competencies and skills of such individuals.
  • Self Development and explore new cultures & places – When you choose to do an MBA you automatically begin the process of improving your knowledge and overall development as an individual. There are many advantages which an MBA offers you, not only in the form of a great career but also to hone your leadership skills, communication abilities, and presentation proficiencies as well. When you become an MBA graduate you will start facing many challenges on a day to day basis and therefore you require the necessary expertise to handle the same with a cool head. Pursuing an MBA degree at locations far away from home gives you an opportunity to experience many different and diverse cultures. You will have a firsthand perspective on interacting with individuals from various backgrounds. You may also have a chance to meet and interact with your future managers and executives if you decide to do an internship.
  • Flexibility and Entrepreneurship Choices – In case you are already employed and would not want to give up on your job while pursuing your MBA dreams then you have the option to do that as well. There are certain long-distance MBA programs or executive MBA courses which can be opted by you. You have the advantage to do a part-time course according to your convenience while keeping your job as well. Several candidates also desire to become their own boss on completing their MBA degree. This is also possible since MBA teaches you many life skills and the prowess to build a business from scratch. You will be endowed with the proficiency on how to keep a business afloat and the technical know-how which will be required as well. The leadership qualities in you will be more distinct after you complete your MBA.
  • Career growth and Increased Earning Potential – You may have been working in your current job for several years without any significant career growth. There may have been times when you have felt you are stuck in the same position without any recognition. You will not have to worry about such issues when you complete your MBA program. It gives you the chance to directly jump from an executive or senior executive position directly to a Senior management role. Organizations believe that MBA graduates have the necessary expertise and maturity to handle such high profile jobs with ease. Certainly with such great responsibilities you automatically start earning substantially as well. All of the management and senior management roles tend to come with an equally good pay package. On an average, an MBA graduate tends to make – $80,129 to $143,989 according to Payscale.

CareerLabs will be glad to help you in your GMAT preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GMAT and MBA from us by calling us at +91636600441. You can write to us at


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