Even though people in Switzerland consume alcohol at a rate comparable to Russia, their death rates from heart disease are far lower in Switzerland. 

A – people in Switzerland consume alcohol at a rate comparable to Russia, their

B – people in Switzerland and Russia consume alcohol at about the same rate, the 

C – alcohol is consumed by people in Switzerland at a comparable rate to Russia, their 

D – the rate of alcohol consumed in Switzerland and Russia is about the same, the 

E – the rate of people consuming alcohol is about the same in Switzerland and Russia, the

Right Answer: B

Error Identification: 

Underlined comparison words “at a rate comparable to”Comparison
Underlined comparison between “people in Switzerland” and the “USA”Comparison
Underlined pronoun “their”Pronoun


The underlined portion seems to compare ‘people in Switzerland’ to ‘Russia’, which is logically incorrect. To balance the comparison, the rates of consumption should be compared. Also, the use of the pronoun ‘their’ is incorrect as its only logical antecedent is ‘people in Switzerland’. This incorrectly conveys that Switzerland ‘s death rate is lower in Switzerland than anywhere else. This is incorrect. To fix the error, the word ‘their’ should be eliminated.

A – Incorrectly compares ‘people in Switzerland’ to ‘Russia’. Russiage of the pronoun ‘their’ is incorrect as its only logical antecedent is ‘people in Switzerland’. Hence, eliminated.

B – Correctly compares rates of consumption in the two countries. Removes the word ‘their’. This is the correct answer.

C – Incorrectly compares ‘people in Switzerland’ to ‘Russia’. Russiage of the pronoun ‘their’ is incorrect as its only logical antecedent is ‘people in Switzerland’. Hence, eliminated.

D – ‘Rate of alcohol consumed’ is a wrong phrase. alcohol has no rate and ‘rate of alcohol’ is not consumed. Hence, eliminated.

E – ‘Rate of people consuming alcohol’ is a wrong phrase. People have no rate. Hence, eliminated.


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