Getting a master’s degree from a top university abroad is becoming increasingly difficult. Thousands of students apply for a limited number of seats every year. There are numerous factors that could help you stand out from the other applicants and help you gain a seat. One among those important factors is your profile. Most of the students mention the same usual  things in their profile, which most often doesn’t help with getting an admission in top colleges. So, what should you do to improve your profile for MS admission? Read on to find out.

Here are top 10 things you can do to improve your profile:

1) Mention Your USP

A lot of candidates could have a better academic record than you. In order to make your profile stand out, you must highlight your USP. Know your strengths and express them effectively. Mention instances that portray how your strengths helped you to overcome difficulties at times. Focus on strengths that are relevant to the course you are applying for, and show your expertise in different areas such as academics, communication, etc. Mentioning all this in your essay will help you to put together a powerful application.

2) Write a Concise Resume

Create a concise resume, mentioning your achievements clearly. You must mention achievements in academics, extracurricular activities, community service, certifications, and leadership. Get some certifications, which are related to the course you have applied for. You must create a clear single page resume that will effectively portray your achievements. It must reflect all your good qualities to help the admission committee evaluate your candidacy in a better way. A good resume will increase your chances of selection.

3) Write an Engaging SOP

Statement of purpose (SOP) should contain details regarding you, and academic background. It must focus on why you wish to pursue the particular specialisation that you have applied for. Convey your passion towards that particular field with clarity. You should also mention your short term and long term goals in a concise manner. If needed, take help from career building platforms such as the CareerLabs to build an impeccable profile.

4) Get good letters of recommendation

Get LOR’s from the professors who know all about your strengths. Professors know your qualities the best as they assess your performance related to different aspects of academics. Experienced candidates can get a LOR from their workplace as well. A candidate for a master’s degree program is required to submit at least three recommendations. It is ideal to get one professional and two academic letters of recommendation. This will allow the admission committee to understand your academic and professional abilities.

5) Work Experience in a Reputed Firm

If the firm you work for has a very gruelling recruiting process, it adds to your overall profile. Working in a reputed firm makes your profile stronger as it shows that you have excellent skills related to your field. It also shows that you have a great academic background, to have bagged a prestigious job or internship at a reputed company.

6) Diversify Your Profile

Make sure that you mention skills which are different from the skills pertaining to your field. Learn new skills through extra certification courses. Also, mention any experience that can add value to your profile. You must mention if you have volunteered for any projects or participated in any competitions, etc.Hope these points answer what should you do to improve your profile for MS admission. Following the points mentioned above will help you to develop a unique profile, which will in turn improve your chances of getting into the college of your choice.


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