There is a general misconception among the students planning to go for their masters abroad that the GRE is for MS courses, and GMAT is for MBA courses. This, however, is not the case. Nowadays, universities have started accepting GRE scores for their business schools as well. As many as 80% of the B-schools accept GRE scores for the selection of candidates into their master’s program. There are more than 1100 universities that consider GRE scores for admission.

With a growing number of business schools taking GRE scores into consideration there has been an increase in the number of students taking the GRE for admission into the top MBA colleges. The reason for this increase in a number of schools accepting GRE scores is because more students are opting for GRE which is much easier to write.

There are a lot of factors that make GRE a much more student-friendly exam as compared to GMAT. The Quant section of GMAT is considered to be much more challenging than the Quant section of GRE. So, if you struggle with maths, GRE would be a much better choice to opt. Also, the exam fee of GRE is lower compared to the fee of GMAT. The cost of taking a GRE is $205 whereas that of the GMAT is $250. This leads to an increased number of students taking GRE rather than the GMAT.

ETS provides a comparison tool that appropriately interprets GRE scores & GMAT scores. The tool calculates predicted GMAT scores based on an applicant’s GRE Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores. As this predicted score might not be entirely equivalent to the applicant’s actual score in GMAT, a range is reported around each GMAT score.

GRE Score

The only distinguishing factor is that most of the Business Schools do not publish a benchmark GRE score that would be acceptable for their MBA program, but all in all with the provision provided by ETS to convert GRE scores into an equivalent GMAT score makes it a better exam choice. Even the top Indian B-schools have started considering the GRE scores. Colleges like IIM B and ISB Hyderabad have started selecting applicants based on their GRE scores. The PGPEM program of IIM B accepts the GRE score for the selection of applicants whereas, ISB, Hyderabad offers three programs that accept the GRE score; Early EntryOption, Young Leaders Program, and Postgraduate Program.

CareerLabs will be glad to help you in your GRE preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GRE from us by just giving a missed call at +91636600441, or you can drop an SMS. You can write to us at


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