Is your GMAT exam date round the corner? Are you feeling overwhelmed? We will help you overcome this by providing you some tips to help you deal with stress. In addition, we will list everything you need to know about the GMAT test day regulations. 

The GMAT is a tough test to crack, hence, the day of the exam can be very pressuring for most. Not to mention, it’s one of the most important days of your life as this exam will determine whether you make it into the business school of your choice or not. A good GMAT score can get you into the top b-schools in the world. This will, in turn, enhance your career and guarantee a better position professionally and of course pay. However, if you are stressed or are feeling overwhelmed on the day of the examination, no matter how well you have prepared, it can hinder your performance. Hence, we have compiled a list of things you should do to avoid any kind of stress on the day of the exam. Read on!

One Day Before the Exam

A day before the exam, it is essential to be calm and relaxed. If you are too nervous and stressed a lot of things might go wrong during the exam. Hence, here are a couple of things to help you cope with all the exam stress:

  • A day before the exam do whatever keeps you calm. For example, listening to music, taking a long walk or playing games. The objective is to divert your mind from any sort of  stress and fear. 
  • Locating your test center is very important the day before the exam. If you are not familiar with the route to your test center, visit the center a day before. You could even ask your friends and family, so that you know exactly where to go. If you are already familiar with the test centre location, check the route once again. If you can do it physically, that would be even better as the last thing you want on your test day is to get lost or get stuck on an unfamiliar  road.

Day of the Exam

Here are a few GMAT test day regulations you should follow to ensure you stay stress-free on the day of the exam.

  • Plan your travel so that you are at the centre at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time. This means that you should factor in the route, any possible disruptions such as unpredictable traffic, and your mode of transport before you head out. In any case, you should head out fifteen to twenty minutes earlier than intended.
  • Check-in as soon as you arrive at the GMAT test centre. This means completing all the formalities, which includes visual, documentary and biometric verification of your identity. If it is completed well in time, you can relax a bit before the exam starts.
  • An important thing to note is if you are late to the examination hall even by fifteen minutes, you may not be allowed to take the exam and may even have to forfeit your test fees. So, make sure to reach the test center way ahead of the reporting time to avoid any last-minute chaos.  

At the Test Center

Here are some GMAT rules and regulations you have to follow once you are at the test center: 

  • If you have anyone accompanying you to the test center, they cannot wait in the centre. Also they must not make any attempt to contact you once you have entered the test center.
  • You are not allowed to bring any personal items into the testing room. There will be lockers allotted to you, to store your essential belongings for the duration of the test. However, these will be available only on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Under no circumstances will you be allowed to bring or store anything that can be construed as a weapon at the test centre.

In the Examination Hall

Once you have entered the examination hall, here are some GMAT test day regulations you have to adhere to: 

  • The GMAT exam will be administered in a room with dedicated workstations. Testing premises will be under CCTV surveillance at all times.
  • The biometric identification is taken as soon as you enter the examination hall. It is also taken after you have taken a break and re-enter the examination hall. Failure to do so will result in serious policy violations. 
  • It is important to note that once you are seated at the computer, the test will begin promptly. 
  • When taking breaks in between the exam, you cannot take any material from the examination hall. Possession of any exam material outside of the examination hall will be penalised. 
  • When in the examination hall, you are not allowed to interact with the other test-takers. If you have any queries, you should raise your hand so that the exam administrator can come and assist you with the same. 
  • If your test is delayed or rescheduled due to circumstances beyond the test organisers’ control, you will either be offered the opportunity to schedule another test free of cost or you might receive a full refund of the original test fee.

During the Test

Here are some regulations you should follow during the test: 

  • The total duration of the GMAT test is three and a half hours. But, it is recommended to plan for the total duration of approximately four hours. This includes two optional breaks and additional time for reading instructions and other formalities; but remember, if you exceed the time allotted for breaks, the extra time will be deducted from your remaining test time.
  • Dress comfortably and carry a jacket or pullover just in case you happen to feel cold in the examination hall. 
  • If you have or wish to leave the examination hall for anything, you can only do so with the test administrator’s permission. 
  • Each time you leave and re-enter the examination hall, you will be required to provide your biometric proof before entering the hall. 
  • Food items and beverages are banned from the test centre; however, you may have refreshments during your permitted breaks.
  • You will not be permitted to use any electronic devices such as telephones, mobile phones, headsets, or other communication devices or test aids during the examination. You will not be permitted to use them during the allotted breaks as well. 
  • If you face any issues with your computer or need to replace your GMAT scratch paper or require any other assistance, raise your hand and notify the test administrator. Do not attempt to handle such issues on your own.
  • You are not allowed to leave the testing room while timed sections of the test are being administered. If there is an emergency and you have to leave during the test session, raise your hand and notify the test administrator. The timing for the test section you are working on will not be paused during your absence.
  • Long or repeated absences from your workstation will be documented by the test administrator and reported to the necessary authorities. This, in turn, is investigated by Pearson VUE and the exam conducting body, Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). So make it a point to not step unnecessarily. 

Policy Violations 

The GMAC and its partner Pearson VUE administer strive to ensure that the exam is administered in a standardised and uninterrupted manner. If they find that a candidate is violating any of the rules mentioned above or engages in serious policy violations such as malpractice, GMAC and Pearson VUE will consider the circumstances and take action as deemed necessary. Such actions might include but are not limited to, cancelling the scores of the guilty candidates or even banning them for three years or even lifetime. Hence, you must abide by the GMAT rules and regulations specified by the GMAC. 

We have listed all the GMAT test day regulations you need to be aware of to avoid any kind of mishap at the test center. It is recommended that you go through the GMAT rules handbook thoroughly and be aware of what can get you into serious trouble. Being aware of them beforehand will make you cautious as well! 


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