In contrast to industrialists’ proposals to limit export of certain commodities, the government proposed calling for mandatory restrictions of only four such commodities from the Jharkhand region – uranium, pyrite, iron, and copper – and the plan would delay such cuts until 2023 or later.

A – government proposed calling for mandatory restrictions of

B – government proposed a call for mandatory restrictions, including those for

C – government, proposing mandatory restrictions on

D – government’s proposal was a call for mandatory restrictions, which include

E – government’s proposal would call for mandatory restrictions on

Right Answer: E

Error Identification: 

Comparison words “In contrast to”Comparison
Incorrect comparison between “industrialist’s proposals” and “the government”Comparison

Difficulty Level: Easy


In the sentence, ‘industrialists’ proposals’ are incorrectly compared to ‘the government’, which is logically not similar to the former. To correct this comparison error, proposals should be compared to proposals. ‘Restrictions of’ is used incorrectly. It should be restrictions on

A – Incorrectly compares ‘proposals’ to ‘government’. ‘Restrictions of’ is incorrect. Hence, eliminated.

B – Incorrectly compares ‘proposals’ to ‘government’. Also, this is a sentence fragment. Hence, eliminated.

C – Incorrectly compares ‘proposals’ to ‘government’. ‘Restrictions for’ is incorrect. Also, this is a sentence fragment. Hence, eliminated.

D – Incorrectly conveys that the commodities are restrictions, instead of the intended meaning that restrictions are to be placed on them. Hence, eliminated.

E – Correctly compares ‘proposals’ to ‘proposal’. ‘Restrictions on’ is used correctly. This is the correct answer.


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