Our behavior very much depends on the state of not only the brain and also the immune system.

A – very much depends on the state of not only the brain and also the immune system.

B – very much depends not only on the state of the brain but also the immune system.

C – is very much dependent both on the state of the brain but also on the state of the immune system

D – is very much dependent not only on the state of the brain but also on the state of the immune system

E – depends, very much, not just on the state of the brain but on the state of the immune system

Right Answer: D

Error Identification

IdentifierError Type
Not only… but also Idioms


The sentence contains the fixed expression not only … but also. Several options, including the original sentence, use the standard expression incorrectly. 

A – ‘very much depends on’ is awkward; ‘not only … and also’ is unidiomatic. 

B – depends not only ‘on the state’… but also ‘the immune…’ is a wrong comparison. 

C – ‘both X but also Y’ is unidiomatic. 

D – This uses the correct standard construction and is idiomatically correct. E – ‘not just on…. But on…’ is unidiomatic. 


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