Germany has always been known for its rich history and culture combined with scenic landscape, and lately it has become a popular study destination for many. In the winter semester of 2021 to 2022 alone, the number of international students applying to  Germany was over 3,30,000. The presence of such a large international student population is owed to the fact that most German universities are state-funded. This means international and local students seeking to pursue a graduate program can choose to do so at a minimal cost. Let us explore a few other reasons to study in Germany. 

Why Study in Germany?

Here are some reasons why you should opt to study in Germany: 

  • Cost- Effective: As mentioned earlier, you can pursue a graduate program in Germany at a  minimal cost as most German universities are state-funded. Hence, pursuing a graduate program in Germany might cost you anywhere between INR 25,000 to INR 1,00,000.
  • International Recognition: Most German universities have gained international recognition over the years. There are around 400 recognised universities in Germany. About 12 out of the 400 have been ranked within the top 200 universities by the QS World University Rankings in 2021. 
  • Extension of Visa: Germany offers an extension of 18 months on your student visa after you have completed your study to look for employment opportunities. This is ample time for you to find an employment opportunity suitable to your needs.
  • Availability of Scholarships: Universities in Germany also offer financial aid and various scholarships to its Indian and international students. The financial aid and scholarships are offered to ensure that international students pursue their graduate program with much ease. 

With the reasons listed above, it is safe to say Germany might be your go-to study destination! Now let us take a look at the top German universities, their global ranking, and their acceptance rate.

Top German Universities

The top German universities along with the acceptance rate and fee structure is as follows: 

University Global Ranking Acceptance Rate
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen177Not available
University of Freiburg17264%
RWTH Aachen University16510%
Technical University Berlin1598%
KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology13630%
Humboldt University of Berlin12818%
Freie Universität Berlin12715%
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München6410%
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg6316.3%
Technical University of Munich508%

We hope the information provided on why you should opt for Germany as your study destination, the top German universities along with their global ranking and acceptance rate helped. Now that you are aware of this, you can take a look at the courses offered by the universities and opt for one which best suits your needs. 


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