Jane Fraser handled several responsibilities within the company during her short tenure, that included maintaining partner relations, organizing regular events and generating a positive brand perception.

A – that included maintaining

B – which includes maintenance of

C – including maintaining

D – some of which were maintaining

E – among them being the maintenance of

Right Answer: C

Error Identification: 

Underlined modifier “that included” incorrectly modifies tenureModifiers
Variations of different modifier types in the optionsModifiers


In the sentence, the underlined modifier ‘that included…’ seems to modify ‘tenure’, making no logical sense. The modifier should start with a verb+ing participial form to modify the preceding clause.

A – Modifier ‘that included…’ incorrectly modifies ‘tenure’, making no logical sense. Hence, eliminated.

B – Modifier ‘which…’ incorrectly modifies ‘tenure’, making no logical sense. ‘Maintenance of’ is not parallel with ‘organizing’ and ‘generating’. Hence, eliminated.

C – Uses the correct participial modifier with verb+ing form, correctly modifying the preceding clause. This is the correct answer.

D – Modifier ‘some of which…’ incorrectly modifies ‘tenure’, making no logical sense. Hence, eliminated.

E – Incorrect usage of the word ‘being’. ‘Maintenance of’ is not parallel with ‘organizing’ and ‘generating’. Hence, eliminated.


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