Welcome future GMAT test-takers! As you prepare for the exam, it’s important to know what to expect. This post will provide an overview of the GMAT exam subjects, their respective syllabi and a few tips and tricks for preparation. So, let’s get started. 

Quantitative Reasoning

The GMAT quantitative section syllabus is designed to test your ability to solve problems quickly and accurately. The questions will cover various topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. You will be allowed 75 minutes to complete the section, including 37 questions.

To prepare for the GMAT quantitative section, you should practise problem-solving skills. Try solving as many maths problems as possible in a short amount of time; this will help you develop speed and accuracy on the test. In addition, make sure that you are comfortable with all types of question formats that may appear on the exam. Finally, review basic concepts such as fractions and decimals so that you can answer questions quickly and confidently.

Verbal Reasoning

The verbal section consists of 41 questions in 75 minutes. It tests your ability to read and understand written material and reason with words. The topics covered include: grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, critical reasoning skills, and sentence correction. 

Here are some tips for preparing for the GMAT verbal section syllabus:

  • Practice reading comprehension passages from a variety of sources. It will help you develop the skills needed to answer reading comprehension questions on the test.
  • Familiarise yourself with standard grammar rules and concepts to answer grammar questions correctly on the test. 
  • Study vocabulary words that commonly appear on the GMAT exam. Knowing these words will give you an advantage when answering vocabulary questions on the test. 
  • Practice critical reasoning skills by solving logic problems and completing critical reasoning exercises. This will help you better understand how to answer critical reasoning questions on the GMAT exam.  
  • Review basic sentence structure concepts and learn how to correct incorrect sentences. Understanding these concepts will help you avoid making mistakes when answering sentence correction questions on the GMAT exam.

Integrated Reasoning

The integrated reasoning section consists of 12 questions in 30 minutes. It measures how well you can integrate data from different sources into a coherent analysis. The topics covered include:

  • Table analysis (understanding relationships among data)
  • Graphics interpretation (interpreting charts or graphs)
  • Two-part analysis (analysing information presented in two parts)
  • Multi-source reasoning (integrating information from multiple texts) 

A few helpful pointers for preparation are listed below:

  • Familiarise yourself with the types of questions that will be asked. There are four question types: table analysis, graphics interpretation, two-part analysis, and multi-source reasoning. Each type of question requires a different set of skills, so it’s important to know what you’re dealing with before you start answering the questions.
  • Practice using different methods of solving problems. Some people prefer to work through problems step by step, while others use diagrams or flowcharts to organise their thoughts. Experiment until you find a method that works best for you and stick with it during your practice tests. 
  • Time yourself! The GMAT is a timed test, so it’s essential to practice completing the sections under pressure. Integrated reasoning is only 30 minutes long, but it can feel like an eternity if you’re not used to working quickly under pressure! 
  • Take lots of practice tests! The more familiar you are with the format and content of the GMAT, the easier it will be to answer the questions correctly on test day.

Analytical Writing Assessment 

The analytical writing assessment is one essay question graded on a scale from 0-6 in 30 minutes. It measures your ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively. Your essay will be judged on its overall quality, including organisation, development, use of language, and mechanics.

Some students worry that they won’t be able to write well enough to score well on the AWA. But with a bit of practice, you can quickly improve your writing skills and get a good score. Some best ways for preparing for the AWA are:

  • Read different types of writing, such as articles, essays, and books. As a result, you will develop your style and learn how to structure an argument effectively.
  • Write regularly—even if it’s just for 10 minutes each day. In this manner, you can improve your grammar, vocabulary, and overall writing ability. 
  • Before you start drafting your essay, practice brainstorming ideas, this will help ensure that you have a strong thesis statement and supporting arguments when you start typing!

Now that you’re aware of the syllabus, don’t wait until the last minute! Start practising now to feel confident on test day.

All the best!


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