
When we hear the words “Higher Education” or “Masters,” the first country to pop-up in our heads is the United States of America. You could call it the El Dorado for students all over the world, but a lot of other places are catching up rapidly.

Choosing a country to do Masters in is a long drawn process, with a number of factors affecting the decision-making. Apart from the presence of top ranked Universities, cost and conditions of living, diversity in the student community, job opportunities, etc. play a major role too.

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The QS World University Rankings are the most reliable source for prospective students to make comparisons of leading Universities, ranking them on research, teaching, employability, and internationalization. They also release a list of the Best Student Cities across the world, hence enabling any student to take all factors into account and make a well-informed decision.

The United States of America is the country with some of the world’s best Universities, and also the highest percentage of job opportunities. In the University Rankings, it has more than thirty schools in the top 100 around the world. From a Masters in Science (MS) to a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), USA schools offer a plethora of options for a student. Consequently, the level of competition is extremely high, making the USA one of the most sought-after countries for a Masters degree.

However, there are a lot of other countries catching up to the USA steadily. Some of these countries are listed below:


  • United Kingdom: In some ways, UK cannot be considered upcoming when compared to the USA, as it has some of the world’s most renowned Universities which have been around for years. However, the UK as a destination for international students was not very popular until much recently, but it now welcomes hordes of students from various countries for the variety of courses offered by its schools.
  • Germany: Germany abolished tuition fees in its Universities a couple of years back, making it one of the cheapest countries to pursue a Masters degree. Feeling a dearth of skilled personnel in the country, Germany now welcomes talented students from across the world to join its Universities and thus turning into one of the major research hubs of the world. The major towns in Germany are well adapted for student life.
  • Singapore: Considering the geographical size of Singapore, the growth shown by it as a top educational destination has been phenomenal. It offers a lower tuition fee, abundant research and job opportunities, and pretty high standards of living. The courses available in Singapore cover nearly all fields, from Humanities and Social Sciences to Engineering and Technology, and it is fast catching up on Business and Administration too.
  • Australia: Australia emerged as one of the hot destinations for international students, and turned into a magnet especially for Indian students when the immigration laws were stricter in the UK. It follows closely behind USA and UK in the number of schools ranked in the top 100 in the World University Rankings, with affordable living costs and ample job opportunities.
  • Canada: Canada, with its proximity to the USA, has managed to turn itself into a major study destination. It often acts as the absorption entity for students looking for an easier application process and turns out to be cheaper than the USA. But the quality of education is not compromised with, and it gives considerable research and job opportunities.
  • France: Regarding Universities in the top 100 of the World Rankings, France has only a couple of them, but its capital Paris is renowned as the best city for a student to be in. France is a popular destination for studies in Arts, Fashion and Management, though its highest ranked University offers courses in Science and Technology.
  • Netherlands: Netherlands has around five Universities in the top 100, and offers high-end research opportunities in Computer Science and Electronics, thus attracting engineers from around the world. A Masters degree from Netherlands often opens up job opportunities in other European nations as well.

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Apart from these, there are a lot of Universities that rank pretty high in the World University Rankings, and a huge number of international students apply to them every year. These schools are present across Europe, South-East Asia, New Zealand, Russia, and offer lucrative opportunities for international students.

Talk to our mentors for a detailed discussion to provide guidance and help you weave through the web of options and information. Call us @ 080 3951 3255 or write to us at, we will be more than happy to help you.


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