
With increasing competition, you can no longer impress the admissions committee with just high GRE scores. You need to present a strong profile to stand out from other candidates applying to the top B-schools or Grad schools. In this article, we guide you through what would make your MS Application note-worthy.

What is Profile Building?

Profile Building is literally the process of ‘building’ your profile- meaning adding observable skills and qualifications to your profile and consequently, upgrading it in areas which are considered important by top B-Schools. Profile Building cannot happen  overnight- it can take anywhere between 6 to 18  months.

Areas in when Building a Profile for an MS Program

A robust profile finds it’s base in various areas. Like we discussed, focussing only on test scores or any other factor yields a redundant application. After years of experience, our Admission Counsellors have highlighted  key elements of a comprehensive profile.  We recommend you to cover at least three or four of the following to add value to your profile.

1.Research, Journal Publication,  Conferences:

MS Programs are research-centric. Research experience during your undergraduate program or years of work are likely to  increase your chances of getting admitted. Further, getting this research work published would testify your skills and consequently, raise your chances of being admitted. National or international recognition of the work and its presentation in conferences would of course, be a cherry on the top. 


2. Internship, Summer Courses, Certification and Exchange Programs:

An internship demonstrates that you have had exposure to the industry and put your skills to work in the real world. Summer Courses are 2 to 3-weeks-long programs organised by universities for their prospective students.

Generally, the college administrations have tie-ups with other colleges. Students can become a part of coursework or research in these colleges. These are known as Exchange Programs. Sometimes colleges also offer few certification courses to hone your skills in that particular area of the subject. Therefore, all these together enhance and promote your profile.

3. Active involvement in Clubs and Forums:

Top B-Schools look for diversity in their prospective students. They pay attention towards the involvement of the students in non-academic activities like sports, different student clubs and forums among many other activities. These participations are also likely to enable you to expand your network as well as differentiate yourself from your classmates. 

4. A Patent Idea or Project 

If you mention an innovative idea or project in your Statement of Purpose (SOP), then your chances of getting into your desired School are significantly boosted. You should write the SOP explaining how important the project is to you & how the School will also benefit from your idea or project. You can also talk about the collective contribution you and your School can make in the society through this project .

5. Participation in Community and Social Causes

As discussed, top B-Schools or Grad Schools not only look for academic excellence in their candidates but also look for diversity, ethics, leadership skills, responsibility towards the society etc. So, if you have actively participated in the welfare of society, it  would again significantly increase your chances of securing a place in the program. 

All these are constituents of a compelling profile. You must work on these and mark your presence by standing out from the lot. 

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