Are you not familiar with what the GMAT Enhanced Score Report is all about? Well, through the course of this article,  we will give you a detailed overview of the GMAT Enhanced Score Report. 

You might be familiar that the GMAT provides you with an unofficial score report and an official score report. Once you complete your GMAT, you receive your unofficial score report at the test center. The unofficial score report consists of estimated, raw scores based on your performance. You can choose to accept these scores or cancel them if you are not satisfied with your performance. When you choose to accept your unofficial scores, the GMAC makes sure to send in the official score report when generated to the score recipients you have listed. However, if you happen to cancel your scores, you can reinstate them after leaving the test center. But for doing so, you will have to pay an additional fee. Also, you can retake the GMAT after 16 days of your first attempt. 

GMAT Official Score Report vs Unofficial Score Report

You must wonder what is the difference between the official and unofficial reports. The official score report consists of scores of all four GMAT sections — Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment. 

The GMAT unofficial report, on the other hand, only lists scores of three GMAT sections — Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Integrated Reasoning. The Analytical Writing Assessment section is scored later on while the official score report is being generated. 

The unofficial score report is made available to you right after you finish the GMAT exam at the test center, whereas the official score report is generated and available to you after two to three weeks of having completed your GMAT exam.

GMAT Enhanced Score Report

Besides the official and unofficial score reports, the GMAC offers you a third kind of report, the GMAT Enhanced Score Report at an additional cost. The GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) is a detailed score report. It analyses how you have performed in your GMAT exam. It analyses how much time you have spent on each section, how accurately you have answered questions, how many advanced questions you have attempted and if you have attempted them accurately. In addition, it lists your estimated GMAT score and percentile, sectional scores, sub-sectional scores, the average time taken for each response, and indicates the average difficulty level in the questions you have answered correctly or incorrectly. The GMAT ESR provides you with this information as these are some factors taken into consideration while the GMAC is calculating and generating the official score report. 

How Can I Access the GMAT Enhanced Score Report?

Are you wondering how you can access the GMAT Enhanced Score Report? You can purchase the GMAT ESR on the official website,, for a cost of $30, which is approximately INR 2300. Once you have purchased the ESR, you will receive an activation code within 24 hours of purchasing it. The GMAC will send you a link to your purchased ESR after the code provided to you is activated. You can view the ESR whenever you want till the link expires. 

When Should I Purchase the GMAT Enhanced Score Report?

The GMAT ESR can be purchased at any given point in time. However, it is important to note that the GMAT ESR will only be generated after you have to complete the GMAT. It is also important to factor in the validity of the GMAT ESR. Similar to the GMAT score validity, the GMAT ESR is also valid up to 5 years from your exam date. For example, if you have taken your GMAT on April 14, 2021, your GMAT ESR will be available till April 15, 2026. 

How is the GMAT ESR Beneficial? 

A commonly asked question is why do I need the GMAT ESR and how does it prove to be beneficial? We will explore why you need the GMAT ESR and how the GMAT ESR is beneficial to you. If you are not satisfied with your GMAT score and are considering a retake, then the GMAT ESR is the perfect tool to analyse your performance. The GMAT ESR is beneficial to you in more ways than one, we will list some of the benefits of purchasing the GMAT ESR. 

As mentioned above the GMAT ESR gives you a detailed analysis of the GMAT sections and subsections, how you have tackled the fundamental concepts, and progressed through the exam. These three forms of assessment are crucial to understanding how you have performed in the exam. They also help you identify your errors if you are planning on retaking the GMAT. 

 The benefits of the GMAT ESR are as follows:

  • Errors within Subsections

The GMAT ESR helps you identify your errors within the GMAT subsections such as reading comprehension, sentence equivalence, and critical reasoning in the Verbal Reasoning section, data sufficiency and problem-solving, in the Quantitative Reasoning section. The ESR will help you identify which subsection you are struggling with the most and how much time you spend on each section. Once you have identified the areas you need to work on, you can formulate a study plan accordingly to prepare for your GMAT retake efficiently. 

  • Fundamental Concepts 

The GMAT ESR has recently added a section where it analyses how you have performed in those sections that test fundamental concepts (Maths and English) and your skills (analytical writing, problem-solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning). While analysing your performance, the ESR depicts which fundamental concept or skill you struggle with the most. As you might be aware, you need to be thorough with all fundamental concepts to be able to do well in the GMAT. Hence, once you have identified which fundamental concept and skill you have to work on, you can brush up on these concepts and practice as many questions that deal with the particular concept you are struggling with. This will help you avoid repeating the errors in the GMAT retake.

  • Progress through GMAT

 The GMAT ESR gives you a detailed overview of how accurately you have performed in the GMAT. This means that the ESR will provide you information on the average difficulty level of each correctly and incorrectly answered question. It will depict the average amount of time you have spent on each question as well. This will help you analyse if you have progressed or regressed when attempting the exam. In addition, you will be able to identify how you have progressed through the GMAT exam. If there are sections that have made you slower, then you can always reorganise the order in which you should attempt each section for your GMAT retake. You can also strategise and manage time efficiently when you retake the GMAT with all this information provided by the GMAT ESR. 

All in all, purchasing the GMAT Enhanced Score Report is extremely beneficial if you are considering retaking the GMAT. Not only will it help you identify your weaknesses but it will also boost your confidence when you have a look at the sections you have excelled at.


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