MBA in Health AdministrationMBA or Master’s in Health Administrations designed in a way which accredits business administration master’s program for care and welfare in health sector.  Over the past two decades the proliferation of medical and health organizations indulge professionals who have managerial skills and leadership instincts. It focuses mainly on the strategic running of the health organization under the guidance of management expertises.  It is one of the highly preferred specializations in MBA degree course due to its extensive demand for medical fraternity professionals from the perspective of job opportunities.

Top 14 B-schools offers MBA in Health Administration

MBA in health administration is gaining momentum due to its wide array of job opportunities, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook, the field of Healthcare Management and Administration is expected to increase by at least 23 percent over the next ten years. Here are the top fourteen B-schools offers MBA in Health Administration in US.

College name Location
Harvard University Boston, Massachusetts
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts
Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois
University of California Berkeley, California
Columbia University New York, New York
Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire
New York University New, York, New York
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
The University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
Yale University New Haven, Connecticut
Duke University Durham, North Carolina
The University of Texas Austin, Texas
University of California Los Angeles, California

Career opportunities:

Indeed, an MBA in Health administration degree might foster your career graph on the job profile listed below. They can work in several companies which are involved in providing healthcare and welfare services such as nursing homes, hospitals, mental asylum and many other places.

  • Executive Director
  • Practice Manager
  • Practice Administrator
  • Director of Operations
  • Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Nursing Home Administrator

Maximum salary attained in MBA in Health Administration:

MBA in health administration is opted by those professionals who have already associated with medical and health welfare organizations. According to the, the following table contents the minimum and maximum salary after acquiring an MBA degree in Health administration.

Job Title National Salary Data
Executive Director $61,823 – $169,694
Practice Manager $46,309 – $81,637
Practice Administrator $59,308 – $125,000
Director of Operations $77,190 – $150,201
Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) $100,557 – $200,549
Healthcare Administrator $45,302 – $131,115
Nursing Home Administrator $64,416 – $115,922

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