MS in Cryptology

Post completion of their GRE and on receiving their GRE scores, many students opt to do their Masters along with their PH.D. Recently, pursuing a Ph.D. course in the field of cryptology has become the rising trend among all the research scholars, in particular for the people who want to get a Ph.D. in mathematics. The biggest reason behind this growing trend is the vast future scope and high demands in the market. With the world moving towards a future that is completely driven by technology especially when our country, India is going through the phase of demonetization and net banking has become the primary necessity, the security of these transactions has become the biggest question for all.

Let us understand what cryptology is and how it is the future of encryptions.

The study or the science related to the technique of hiding a message or secret writing is known as cryptography. The wings of cryptography are broadly spread as the formal dialectology that conceals the actual meaning of the message without giving the official training of the process. The biggest section of cryptology lies precisely with the algorithms of modern encryption. The algorithms of advanced encryption are basically used for secure transactions that are made across various digital networks. Nonetheless, it won’t be wrong to say that cryptography constitutes of any method through which someone tries hiding a message.

History of Cryptology

Since hundreds of years cryptography along with the concepts of encryption is being used to secure the communication process. Notably, the military communication created a huge influence on this field and its advancement. The Information Age that started in the latter half of 1980’s brought with it the need for private and secure communication. Though the invention of the internet took place in the 1960’s but still it was not popular among the common public, it gained its popularity only after the year 1989 in which the World Wide Web was discovered. The World Wide Web is nothing but an electronic protocol that has given the people an access to communicating through a digital medium that includes information, mail, and commerce. With the increase in the demand for information exchange, the need for security increased as well to protect the information. A scrupulous knowledge encryption along with cryptography is the only way of protecting this digital world, and this is the most important reason for people who opt for a Ph.D. in mathematics to choose this branch in place of going for any other research topic.

Maths behind Cryptology

Encryption systems rely heavily on number theory. Other mathematical concepts and subjects cryptologists use are probability, combinatorics, abstract algebra, logical operators like XOR, asymptotic analysis of algorithms and information theory.

While the core concept of Cryptology revolves around mathematics, it is no good if they are not implemented. Cryptology goes very well with low-level computer programming language like C, which a majority of the cryptologists use because it is one of the best when it comes to increasing the performance of the CPU. Most cryptographic algorithms are implemented in C and then wrapped in other programming languages for use.

Cryptology Careers

Cryptologists are people trained in niche skills of data security and cryptography. Most people go on to have successful careers in the cyber security and information security fields. Here are some common job titles that cryptology specialists get.

  1. Crypto Research Professionals– These people help in creating better security standards, prevent fraud, and perform security reviews for companies. The fancier name for these professionals are called Ethical Hackers.
  2. Cryptanalyst/Cryptographer– Cryptographer has the job of encrypting the messages, and making it non-understandable to eavesdroppers. The role of a cryptanalyst is to decode the encrypted messages and break the cryptographic codes.
  3. Cyber Forensics Expert– Much like the normal forensics experts, cyber experts conduct audits, find trails, etc. Cyber experts work with technology crime like data breach, hacking, impersonation, etc. They compile evidences for legal cases, advise lawyers, and draft reports.

There are many parallel careers related to the field of cyber security, after studying cryptography. The alternate careers include incident responder, penetration tester, security administrator, security analyst, security consultant, information security officer, vulnerability assessor and security engineer.

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