Wondering what the GRE revised general test is all about? We will help you navigate through the GRE revised general test and how it differs from the GRE general test. Keep reading!

GRE General Test VS GRE Revised General Test

The GRE Revised general test was launched in the month of August 2011 by the Educational Testing Services (ETS). The GRE revised general test retained the same structure, time allotted as well as the score ranges as the GRE general test. However, the significant difference found in the GRE revised general test is that it is designed to be user- friendly.

The GRE general test is a computer adaptive test, which means that each section proves to be more difficult than the previous section you’ve attempted. The GRE revised general test, on the other hand, is a Multi- Stage Test (MST). This means the test is tailored to facilitate your performance. 
How does the GRE revised general test facilitate your performance, you may ask? The general test is designed in a manner that you can only attempt one question at a time. The revised general test is designed to help you attempt questions section-wise. For example, all the questions in the first section of the Verbal Reasoning are accessible to you and you are free to attempt it in any order you’d prefer.  

GRE Score Range 

We will explore the GRE revised general test score range in this section and also see what makes for a good score. 
The GRE consists of three components— Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. The total GRE score is the culmination of the first two components, verbal and quantitative reasoning. The Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning are each scored between 130 to 170. These scores increase by a one-point increment. The Analytical Writing is scored between 0 to 6, and these scores increase by a half-point increment. According to this, the highest GRE score is 340 whereas the lowest GRE score is 260.

Scores Performance 
320-340Excellent core 
300- 320  Good score
270- 300 Average score 
260 and below Poor score 

As you can see from the above table, a good GRE score ranges anywhere between 300 to 320. There are a few factors which also influence what a good GRE score looks like. The factors are as follows: 

  • The GRE score depends on which university you wish to apply to. 
  • The GRE score depends on the university’s program requirements, their cutoff GRE score to get admitted into the program, and their acceptance rate.
  • The GRE score varies from one school of study to another. 

GRE Registration 

The GRE revised general test registration process is as follows: 

  • Register yourself on the ETS official website 
  • Once you’ve registered, log into your ETS account and create a profile
  • Fill in the necessary personal details and academic qualifications
  • Complete filling your GRE application
  • Proceed to select the test date that you are most comfortable with  
  • Choose the test center nearest to your location 
  • Make the payment for the GRE test
  • Submit your GRE application 
  • Save or take a screenshot of the payment for the future

The GRE revised general test cost is 213 dollars if you register from India, which is approximately 15, 896 rupees. 

GRE Revised General Test Prep 

The key to nailing the GRE and achieving a good GRE score is efficient preparation. Here are a few pointers to help you prepare for the GRE efficiently: 

  • Draft a detailed study plan and adhere to it. Make sure to allot an equal amount of time to each of the components of the GRE revised general test. 
  • Set an achievable target score and vigorously work towards achieving it.
  • Identify and rectify the sections of the test or various subject concepts that you are weak in. Make it a point to allocate extra time to work on these areas.
  • There are over 1000 practice tests available on the ETS official website. Practice as much as you can to familiarize yourself with the GRE. 
  • Self-evaluate the sample tests and track the progress of each test that you take.
  • Try studying with a friend or study buddy, so as to encourage and motivate each other during times of distress. 
  • Incorporate some hobbies and extracurricular activities into your schedule. This will help you relax and prevent a burnout.
  • Register with services such as CareerLabs to avail advanced preparation materials and expert guidance. 

You can also refer to the ETS official website for constant updates, additional information and to learn more about the GRE. You can even download the GRE revised general test pdf, which is available on the ETS official website for a more detailed understanding. 
We hope this comprehensive guide on the GRE revised general test helped you. We tried putting in all the necessary information that you might need.

All the best!


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